Apostle Talk: Future News Now!

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with Prince Handley


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This teaching will discuss present global trends including compromise and corruption in commerce and in churches. Several alarming trends – not noticeable because of lack of coverage in major media outlets – are fulfillments of Bible prophecy and indicators that we are in the early stage of the End Times. Many of these trends have “fixed” themselves already on the landscape of the New Global Governance.

Churches in many large cities are growing but in many of them the people are being “cheated” out of 67 percent of the POWER and TEACHING of Jesus the Messiah. This is spiritual corruption!

On one hand, governmental and commercial corruption is stealing the dollar value of the citizenry … with the populace (that’s YOU, the reader and listener) paying for the theft twice again through increased taxation and inflation. On the other hand, church and ministry corruption is stealing the health and freedom of God’s people … with God’s people (that’s YOU) paying for it in doctor and medical bills and lack of production.

In this podcast teaching I will teach you how to recognize, resist and recover the loss resulting from the idol of wealth and materialism as it affects and infects the church, government and society.




The Turkish Lira crashed to new lows last year. Then, a few months ago a huge scandal in Turkey broke out due to corruption among government ministers and their family members. This will result in destabilization in the area. Why do I mention this? The same thing is happening in countries all over the world, resulting in riots, distrust of government, bankers and politicians.

Europe, Asia, Middle East and soon the USA are headed towards more upheaval. WHY? Preparation for the anti-Christ, the “False messiah.” The coming world leader needs an economic and military crisis as a platform for him to walk onto and be chosen head of the New Global Government (part of the New World Order).

As I taught in the University of Excellence concerning “Global Equalization Will Be the Catalyst for New Global Banking,there will be – and is now already largely in existence – the formation of a Global Elite Sector: a small group of people extremely wealthy and powerful who control political and economic sectors.

One-fourth of the world’s middle class economic echelon suffers from mental depression. But that is nothing compared to what will happen when they (and the other 75 percent) suffer from economic depression. One-fourth of the young people on Planet Earth are without employment and necessary education. They are mad and they have no trust … let alone hope … in the global or local power structures. Their drive is not going to be lessened in the future; to the contrary, it will be increased asymptotically. However, these are “minor quakes” in the events ushering in the Last Days.


The coming world dictator is alive today and already involved in governance.


Look for more riots!

Look for more economic upheaval!

Look for the stock market to head south!

Look for (If you live in USA) the FED to keep pumping air into the economy by Quanitative Easing (QE), the printing of currency to increase money supply and pay government bills. What does this do? Makes your money worth less (like in, “worthless”) because of simple supply and demand. As your money loses value, prices go UP^. That’s why if the stock market goes up it does NOT necessarily mean your making money. Study my teaching on the New Global Currency.


Today we see many large churches. Does this mean the sheep are being fed, or does it mean they are being fed but NOT nutritious food. Lots of restaurants cater to large crowds but does that mean the food is nutritious? Large churches (mega churches) are NOT necessarily a sign of productive ministry in the eyes of the LORD.

To be a productive church the shepherd leader must attempt to form and lead a POWER church: a real New Testament church. Programs and cell groups mean nothing if people are not being instructed in the ministry precepts of Jesus. WHAT are those precepts? Let’s look at what Jesus instructed His followers to do: 

1. Preach and teach;

2. Heal the sick; and,

3. Cast out demons.

Also, let’s look at the Great Commission: ” … teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you …” (Matthew 28:20)

Pastors that do NOT minister healing and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit are cheating their flock out of 67 percent of the ministry of Jesus. They are omitting 2 out of 3 parts of Jesus’ ministry. They preach and teach but they are NOT serving healing or deliverance – #2 and #3 shown above – to their people. This is corruption. It is stealing … it is cheating God’s people AND the people who could be saved by witnessing the healing and miracle power of God.

Why do they do this? Usually because they do NOT believe in healing. Or, they will tell you, “I believe Jesus can heal,” or, “We have had people healed;” However, the TRUTH may be that they do NOT know HOW to minister healing so they dismiss it. That is, they either do NOT believe Jesus will heal, or they do NOT have the faith to pray or believe for healing. The same applies to MIRACLES … real miracles! The truth is: to minister healing and deliverance they need the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Healing ministry should be a part of all church worship services, or at least one service a week designated for healing. But what about people who are sick, diseased, bound, or afflicted who come to ANY service in need of healing, deliverance, or prayer? The same applies to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and instruction concerning it.

Let me ask you some questions:

  • When – or how often – does your church pray for sick people by laying hands on them?How often are people anointed with oil (either in the church or in their homes)? 

  • When – or how often – are people being sent out (commissioned / ordained) to the ministry with the laying on of hands? 

  • When – or how often – are people baptized in the Holy Spirit (and speak in tongues) for the first time in your church or ministry?

  • When – or how often – do MIRACLES happen in your church? (Or, when was the last time you saw a REAL MIRACLE in your church?)

A person said to me the other day, “Healing is for salvation: to bring people to Christ.” I answered them,  “Healing is part of salvation. So is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, deliverance, prosperity, ministry, and Kingdom responsibility.” Healing is for the sick to be healed. One miracle healing can do more than 25 years of preaching. If you are a shepherd leader, let me challenge you to include ALL of salvation in your ministry. And … train your people to do the same. Then, the church will be the church!

I have attended churches where healings, miracles, baptism in the Spirit, deliverance, and great teaching were always present. I taught at a graduate theological seminary where at one Thursday morning prayer meeting so many miracles happened that 77 people were baptized in water.

I saw a lady in church so devastated with cancer get up out of her wheel chair healed. Her slip (her under garment) fell off because she was so skinny from losing weight due to the cancer.

I saw a man with his head locked into his wheel chair because part of his spinal column was severed. His nurse took him to church. He got up out of his wheel chair completely healed and walked after the nurse unlocked his head. These are only a couple of the MANY healings and miracles I could write about.

I have seen blind eyes opened, deaf ears unstopped, people walking out of wheel chairs, demons cast out: all part of the normal Christian church ministry. At a seminar where I was teaching on healing there was a man who had been in a wheel chair nine years due to five breaks in his spine from a large truck hitting his auto PLUS he had muscular dystrophy. He walked out of his wheel chair during Holy Communion. Two years later he gave his testimony at a large Presbyterian church and hundreds of people fell out of their pews under the Power of God, overcome by the Holy Spirit.

I was teaching in Houston, USA, where there were three barren women present. I laid hands on them and prayed for them in Jesus’ name. All of them conceived in 30 days. There are NOT many good teachers any more. WHY? Because only PART of salvation is taught. It has been my experience that wherever the WHOLENESS of Christ is preached, the teaching will be dynamic, edifying, prophetic, and gift accompanied.

Look at the New Testament Church in the Book of Acts. Look at your church. If you are the shepherd leader, you can at least do your part:  preach and teach WHAT Jesus told you to; and minister the WHOLENESS of Christ. At least do your part and try! WARNING: You may have to pay the price of being ostracized, persecuted and maligned by people and the devil. However, you will be BLESSED by the LORD.


Pray for your shepherd leader. God will speak to them because of your prayers; however, they may disobey. Why would they disobey? Several reasons: 1. Comfortable in the way they are leading; 2. Afraid to change; 3. Ashamed or embarrassed to say they believe the Gifts of the Holy Spirit still operate today; 4. Not willing to take a stand with Jesus’ full ministry; 5. Peer pressure; 6. Control by church board or body; 7. Pride.

Sometimes change may not happen. You will need to be honest enough with yourself to recognize this. If this is the case, then you have to make a decision to resist the damaging effects of religious bondage upon you and your loved ones now and in the future. If you are a parent with older children, you may think, “My children have friends at church or in their youth group. I don’t think we should leave.” You will have to seriously pray about your decision!


You will have to resist spiritual lethargy – for your own spiritual health and wellbeing – and make a decision to be available to receive the fullness of Jesus’ ministry. By being available, I mean have access to ministry that does NOT steal from you. You have enough corruption in government and commerce … you don’t need it coming from the church in your spiritual life. There are several options:

  1. Find another church;

  2. Meet with other like-minded believers;

  3. Start your own church or Bible Study and prayer meetings.

  4. Have family Bible study or prayer times where you invite Jesus.

  5. Periodically travel to an anointed worship and MIRACLE service.

I would rather be alone with Jesus and His MIRACLE working power and love than to be in a crowd of unbelief.


As you continue into the sector of the End Times, you will see the trends of corruption that will increase in government and commerce, builidng an underpinning for the appearance of the anti-Christ. Remember, he will not only be against Christ but a false Christ. On the other hand, corruption in the temple – the Church – will cause many to be powerless, cheating them out of the FULL ministry of Jesus, the Messiah.

To recognize, resist and recover loss from both inflationary thievery implemented by government … and … corruption and thievery in the church – stealing two-thirds of Jesus’ ministry from YOU – you NEED the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to give you POWER, LEADING, WISDOM and DISCERNMENT in our financial and spiritual matters.

If you want to know more about How to Recieve God’s Power with Gifts of the Spirit, click on the book below (available in both paperback and eBook formats):

How To Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit

Your friend,

Prince Handley
President / Regent

University of Excellence


Podcast time: 16 minutes, 55 seconds (with music)

Copyright 2014 Prince Handley
All rights reserved


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2014/06/06 Posted by | GREAT COMMISSION, PROTECTION, RECOVERING LOSS | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


APOSTLE TALK  –  Future News Now!
with Prince Handley



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The other day I was reading some ministry results of a wonderful brother in Messiah. My first thought was, “God is using him so mightily . . . he is reaching so many people for Messiah!” And . . . he has NO synagogue or church support.

Like most of us in God’s work, he was one of the most unlikely prospects for God to use. Like you, and like me, people never guessed he would one day become a believer in Yeshua! When I reflected upon how God is using him, I thought, “What a great reward he will have in Heaven!”

I thought, “God, he is doing so much for You.” After a while the Lord prompted me, and The Holy Spirit reminded me that I was blessed to have part in his Christian growth; and to help disciple him to become a powerful follower of Yeshua. He took our Free Bible Studies course and we corresponded and communicated at times.

That is exactly what I shared in The Apostles Newsletter a few weeks ago: the disciples you teach should be used more greatly than you are. They should be disciples of MESSIAH and NOT disciples of men … IF you are doing your job right.

At the University of Excellence, of which I am President and Regent, we study five (5) secrets of military strategy for the accomplishment … and the continuance … of successful mission:

• Vision to reach the world for Messiah.

• Logistics and starting new synagogues and churches.

• Anointing of multiplication.

• Mission parameters.

• Resurrection and a new vision


I want to teach you something that will help you win the world for Christ!

If you could win 1,000 people to Messiah every day
, how long do you think it would take to evangelize the whole world? At this time, the population of the world is about six (6) billion people. It would take you 16,427 years to reach every person (even at 1,000 every day!).

However, if you would lead only one person each year to Christ, and would really train them, here’s what would happen:

At the end of one year there would be two of you to take the “Good News” to others. If each of you would lead one person to Christ that next year, there would be four of you at the end of the second year to go tell the “Good News”. At this rate, it would only take you a little over 32 years to reach the rest of the world! (Even if the population increases to 8.5 billion, it would take only one extra year, or 33 years.)

This is why Jesus said, “Go, then to all peoples of the world and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, to the end of the age.”

Now, here’s how to train a disciple: Ask God to lead you to someone who really wants to grow in the Lord (it may be someone you lead to Christ or someone who already knows Jesus.) Take them “under your wing” (like a bird does her babies) and pour your life, as well as the Word of God, into them.

You will have to “live” the life you are teaching about. Take them preaching on the streets or witnessing at the market with you. Teach them how to lead others to Christ, and to baptize them in water. Their training may last from one week, or until Jesus comes back!

Sometimes you may want to train more than one person at a time. However, never get so busy that you do not have time to spend with each person privately. When a person you are training starts training others for Christ (it may be the first week), then spend some time for “feedback”. That is, let that person discuss with you about the people they are training: get “feedback” about progress or problems, and try to answer their questions. Pray with them!

Be sure to tell the people you are teaching that Jesus said, “The field is the world!” Not just their village or city: but every nation, tribe, tongue, and dialect. Pray that God will send out workers to the nations … and be willing to go yourself. Teach them to do the same.

Obtain a map of the world (and of your country). Lay your hands on the different countries and cities and pray for them. Ask God:

To pour out the Holy Spirit on them;

To send out Christian workers to them; and,

To raise up “Spirit-filled” churches in them and all over the world.

While praying for cities and nations, always “bind” the devil and his demons and cast them out in Jesus’ name. Then, “loose” the Holy Spirit into the cities and nations! Jesus said, “Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” This includes his teaching about love, repentance, healing, forgiveness, casting out demons, prayer, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and our “one-ness” with other believers in Jesus.

Some of the people you train may be from other countries (students or visitors). Or, some of those you train may someday go to other countries to study, tour, or work. They will then be able to preach the Gospel there. This is another way you will be reaching nations!

Finally, teach the ones you are training to teach the people they teach “to teach others.” (Notice the four groups, or “families,” of disciples in 2 Timothy 2:2.) The first family is YOU: you are a disciple, or a “follower,” of Christ. The next family is the person you are teaching to be a “follower” of Christ. Notice something very important: the four families are NOT your disciples, they are Christ’s!

Read this message again, and again, and again. There are “seven keys” to help YOU win the world for Christ!


The provision and supply necessary for ongoing ministry growth will come about as new synagogues and churches are raised up. After the process of true biblical discipleship – making disciples of Messiah and NOT of men – is established, along with a vision of reaching the world for Messiah, the next step is to establish synagogues or churches. The people, the money, the resources for current and subsequent ministry to the community and the world will emanate from the local synagogues or churches established. Tithes and offerings will help in material and financial support. Each leader must be honest and ethical in their allocation of resources, and thereby be an example for those to whom they serve.

There are basically three (3) ways to start synagogues and churches:

1. Start cell groups, OR house churches;

2. Visit neighborhoods;

3. Hold public miracle and healing meetings.


Start cell groups, or home Bible studies, from an existing church. They will then be centers in each neighborhood or community for people to come for Bible study and prayer, and from which new churches can be raised up.


Visit the surrounding neighborhood
. This is the probably the most effective and can also be used in conjunction with a cell group. Get people interested in the vision God has given you. Meet together for prayer, fellowship, and Bible study.

Win souls in the neighborhood or local community where you will have your synagogue or church – START there first! Visit and pray for the sick. Baptize converts and then TRAIN them:

• To win others.

• To study the Scriptures.

• To fast and pray.

• To tithe and give offerings.

• To follow the principles described above in “Vision To reach the World for Christ.”

Impart a vision of the world. Teach them to enjoy Messiah Jesus and their work with Him!!!

Pray daily for God to:

• Open the hearts of people;

• Pour out His Spirit upon the area where you are (or will be)working for Him; and,

• Lead you to people who are seeking for God and His salvation.

Look for needs to meet:

• In people;

• In the community; and,

• In the government.

Go door-to-door within a reasonable distance of the synagogue or church you’re starting and ask people if there is anything for which they would like you to pray. Tell them you’re meeting in about an hour at a certain location (give them the address). Go back in a week and follow up on them. Note: they may also have sick people in the house that they want you to pray for.

Tell people: “If you can find 10 other families who want to start a church, then organize a meeting in your home (or one of their homes) and invite these other 10 families. I will then come and tell them about the church we’re starting. At the same time, we will minister to the people’s needs, if they desire. Expect miracles!”


Never go to be a new head rabbi at a synagogue or pastor a church that someone else started unless the people at large give you complete control before you start. You will just be taking over someone else’s problems! Also, when miracles start the previous leaders will become jealous. Start NEW WORKS where the anointing is honored and God can get the glory!!


Here’s a testimony from a Pastor and General Overseer who followed the instruction described above for starting new churches. “The lessons and the questions are the best I have had in my life, especially since I started preaching the Gospel under the power of the Holy Spirit. Please help me to learn more and be a better worker for the Lord. With the lesson well studied, God has started blessing the work here. Prayer cells have sprung up in all places. God is adding souls to His kingdom.” [Bishop Harrison]

Do diligence to follow the steps in this lesson like Bishop Harrison and God will do MIRACLES for you!


There is probably no more effective way to start a new synagogue or church, especially in unevangelized areas, than by means of public meetings: both indoors and outdoors. Here is a proven and successful format for holding such meetings:

1. Start each meeting with 30 minutes of singing and “selected” testimony.

2. Preach 20 to 40 minutes.

3. Begin message by announcing: “We are going to pray in a few minutes and God is going to heal the sick.”

4. During the message, tell the people WHO Jesus is and WHAT He did. Tell them:

“I wouldn’t ask you to believe in a dead god! Jesus Christ is ALIVE!”

“Since Jesus is alive, He will do what He did when He lived on earth before!”

“If He does – and heals you – will you serve Him the rest of your life?”

(Before you pray) “If Jesus heals you, how many will come up and tell of it?”

5. After the message, pray for the sick to be healed. Do NOT go out into the crowd and do NOT pray for individuals at this time, but pray for the crowd “as a whole” from the place where you have been preaching. (Let God do His work!)

6. (During prayer) Tell the people, “Now, begin to praise God for healing you.”

7. (After prayer) Tell the people, “Now do what you couldn’t do before.”

8. Ask for those who have been healed to come and testify. Make sure you have workers who are trained to examine testimonies.

Eliminate those testimonies which aren’t for real or don’t glorify Christ. Train the workers to bring to the front at once ONLY miracles of healing. Also, make sure you have workers who are trained in crowd control.

Don’t let the devil bring confusion to your meeting at this point.


A) The first day of the meeting let God heal a few. Then go out to the neighborhood or villages and tell them what God has been doing; invite them into the meetings.

B) The second day of the meetings, and thereafter, pray for specific cases, such as the deaf and blind, as God leads. You may want certain cases to come to the platform for prayer (where you are ministering). This way the crowd can see the miracles. Do ONLY what the Spirit says and finish when He tells you to!

C) Always meet with your workers before the meeting. Review the previous days meeting and pray for the current one. Ask God for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and pray for unity.

D) Establish a synagogue or church from the new believers (baptize them). Make plans to teach them regularly and to train them.


Read and study “Health and Healing” (Parts 1 through 5) in the Archives of The Apostles Newsletter (September 15 through September 29, 2002). Also, read and memorize “How To Be Healed” in the Archives (June 28, 2002).

For a sample healing message to preach, go to: http://www.realmiracles.com/healmessage.htm


Lay hands on and pray over EVERYTHING and EVERYONE you send out or produce: ministers and workers; DVD’s, literature; podcasts, social media postings (MySpace, Twittter, etc.), YouTube videos, films; mp3 files; websites, prayer cloths. Ask God to put His power on them. Ask God for the “apostolic power of Christ” to invade the earth through them. Pray for MIRACLES to magnify Christ.

Pray for people to be saved, healed, delivered, baptized in the Spirit, prospered, and sent out to do the work of Messiah Yeshua. Ask God to raise up a great Holy Spirit synagogue or church in every village and neighborhood of the earth … and a great Holy Spirit witness in every house, home, or family of the earth through the WORK and the PEOPLE you send out! Believe!!

Thirty (30) years ago I asked God for a confirmation about a piece of literature I had written and was to be sending out. It was Lesson Four, “How To Receive the Power of God” in the Free Bible Studies course. I wanted God to show me if I should include this lesson in the series and I received three (3) confirmations within about one week.

The very first person who received that lesson was baptized in the Holy Spirit the day they received it in the mail. Then a Jew wrote from New York and said, “You wouldn’t believe what came out of my mouth when Jesus baptized me in the Holy Spirit” (as a result of the lesson). Thirdly, another man wrote saying that as soon as he took his lesson out of the envelope he read one sentence and was knocked down by a strange force and another language came out of his mouth.

“Believe! All things are possible to him that believes.”
[Mark 9:23]

If you are not available to lay hands on the materials – or the people – then commission others to do it. Lay your hands on them and pray over them so the apostolic power of Christ will flow through them. At times, when I have not been able to be present for an ordination service in a distant place, God would instruct me to send a prayer cloth over which I had prayed, and to have the prayer cloth laid on the minister.

If the Holy Spirit can supply the resurrection power of Christ to heal in this manner (Acts 19:11-12), then He surely can impart the gifts of the Spirit and enablement for ministry in the same manner. These should be “special” cases, however, because the normal Scriptural pattern would be to personally lay hands on those being ordained and sent out.

Ask God for ‘an anointing of multiplication’!
The kingdom of Heaven is like leaven (or, yeast): it grows and spreads. Yeshua (Jesus) still multiplies bread, and He can multiply the work, the workers, and the Word of God!


Be led by the Spirit of God! Follow the plain teachings of Jesus. Preach and teach the simple Gospel, apart from which there is no other gospel [1 Corinthians 15:1-5]. Obey the commission of Jesus in Matthew 28 and Mark 16. Adhere to the “Apostles’ Creed”. Use the pastoral writings of Paul and Peter and John as examples for church order and discipline and obey the Word of God as revealed in the Holy Bible.

A three-fold cord is not easily broken. Buildings designed in triangulation or with three-sided segments are stronger. Jesus sent out his apostles to:

1. Preach and teach;

2. Heal; and

3. Cast out demons.

Whether you are involved in ministry to governments, to the homeless, to the military … on television or the Internet … keep your ministry “triangulated” in balance with Jesus’ authority that he gave you: to preach; to heal; and, to cast out demons!

Then you won’t have to worry about false doctrines . . . because no one can copy the works God is doing through you. The Lord will confirm the Word of God you preach with signs following . . .and people who are really seeking God will come to the TRUTH! The cults have all have at least one of the three errors (if not all three!).

The cults and false religions teach:

1. Jesus was NOT God in human flesh;

2. You can work your way to Heaven;

3. Hell is not real (or, if it is, it only lasts for a short period).

No false teaching in the world can do all three … present the Good News, heal the sick, and cast out demons!
Especially like you are doing when you’re anointed with LOVE! False teaching is usually “lop-sided” with emphasis on either of two large errors: either you’re saved by your works only; or you can sin all you want to and get away with it!

“Faith without works is dead.”
[James 2:14-26]

“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which works by love.”
[Galatians 5:6]


If you are used in creative, powerful, and productive works by God then I have a warning for you. Just about the time you put the “stamp” on your ministry and declare “Mission Accomplished” there will come a time of discouragement. It is nothing more than a demonic attack assigned by Satan to discourage you, to get you to slow down, to get you to lose excitement, to get you to think you can’t do any more great works, and to get you to quit!

Immediately after the victory for which you have fought, prayed, and believed in faith, will subtly appear one of your most dangerous attacks from the enemy. It will NOT be like the attack(s) BEFORE your conquest: to discourage you, to make you afraid, to cause loss of integrity, loss of a loved one, or loss of possessions. All of which attacks you can defeat . . . and withstand . . . by living holy and living a life of faith and trust in God.

But this attack will be so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. You will not be capable, without discernment from God, of making fine distinctions as to the source of the attack. It will be covert and delicately complex. There will be put in place clever and indirect means by the enemy to achieve your downfall: spiritually, socially, materially, physically, and mentally . . . in that order.

Read and prayerfully study The Apostles Newsletters titled “What to Do After the Victory” (Parts A and Part B) published September 14 and 21, 2003. Login to The Apostles Group and you will find them in the Archives.

This two-part newsletter was written to instruct you as to how to offset this kind of attack, and to guard against it; also, to augment and solidify your recent victory, and to go on to higher and more productive accomplishments.

King Solomon tells us in the Book of Ecclesiastes that a threefold cord is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) There are three things you can do to assure your maintenance of the victory and your own personal integrity. They are as follows:

1. Guard Against Pride

2. Monitor the Victory

3.  Plan for the Future

After your victory is the time the enemy will do his best to allure you with:

• Fame;

• Fortune;

• Lust; and,

• Deception of any kind

Don’t let your guard down! You are at your weakest point of defense right after your victory:

• Rest;

• Stay under the anointing;

• Plan, stretch out in faith; and,

• Start implementing your plans for the NEXT victory. It may be related to the harvest of your present (recent) victory.

Rest for a short period. Use this time to reflect and give thanks to God, and those people who assisted you, for the victory. Pray God’s blessing on those who assisted you!

Stay in the Word of God and prayer. Stay under the anointing. Use this period of rest to listen to God for the “skeletal” outline of your NEXT project. Receive your plans from the Spirit. Praise and thank Him in faith for the next victory!

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you implement your next assignment. Don’t wait until all the conditions are right before you start. Count the cost, but use faith. You can refine after you implement.

God is getting ready to use you MORE GREATLY than ever before! He has given you the “eye of the tiger” . . . you will never be taken captive by the enemy. You will be stronger and more productive for the kingdom of God. The Master will say to you: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of the Lord.”


Your friend,
Prince Handley


2009/08/24 Posted by | ENGAGING THE ADVERSARY, EXPAND YOUR INFLUENCE, FULFILLING THE KINGDOM MANDATE, GIANT WORLD HARVESTS, SPIRITUAL PROTECTION, STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


APOSTLE TALK  –  Future News Now!
with Prince Handley

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If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission? What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah? The answer is in this podcast.



While looking out my window one afternoon, the Lord asked me two questions:

“If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission?”

“What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah?”

I had been meditating that afternoon about such things, and the answer to the two questions the Lord asked came succinctly. I wrote down my answer to the Lord immediately, listing the following seven (7) tools with which to carry out the job … and win the world for Messiah Yeshua.

1. God’s Word, the Holy Bible;

2. Faith;

3. Prayer;

4. Jesus’ name;

5. Tongues;

6. Forgiveness; and,

7. Vision.


In the Bible I can find 7,000 promises from God that are available to me, and from which I may appropriate my needs, deliverance, healing, favor, direction, and MIRACLES.

I would see in the Bible that God wants me to witness for Messiah: to give evidence of what Messiah has done for me through my words and actions. I would see that God wants me to lead people to Messiah and to train them. [Matthew 18:18-20] This would involve training them to do everything that Jesus had commanded me to do, including baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I could help them perform Mikvah … or, baptize them in rivers, lakes, churches, oceans, bathtubs, or in tarpaulins in the desert.

This training would involve teaching them to witness for Christ, and to share their testimony with others. It would also include: preaching and teaching; healing the sick, and casting out demons. I would see the great need of establishing a school “behind every bush” to train believers.

In the Bible I would see God’s plan for the ages, and God’s plan for me. I would see God’s plan for the Synagogue and Church: the universal invisible Body of Messiah, and the local gathering of believers, whether two or three … or thousands … meeting together.

Yeshua taught us, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” [Brit Chadashah: Mattiyahu (Matthew) 18:20]

I would see the importance of establishing local synagogues and churches: groups of believers who gather to study God’s Word, to pray, and to worship Him; and from where the local community and government may be blessed; as well as people in other nations.

In the Bible I see God’s goals for Planet Earth and the Second Appearing of Messiah Jesus to Jerusalem to establish His kingdom for 1,000 years. I see that before He returns, the Gospel will be proclaimed and published among every nation, race, tribe, people, and ethnic group of the earth. [Mark 13:10]


I would use my faith, based upon God’s promises in His Word and knowing what God wants (His will made known in His Word), to create and bring things into being. I would use faith, the same kind of faith that Abraham used, to believe God for what He says in His Word.

“Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, ‘So shall your seed be’.”

“And being not weak in faith, he [Abraham] considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb [who was about 90]:

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

And being fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able also to perform.” [Romans 4:18-21]

So … if you KNOW what God has promised you in His Word, all you have to do is BELIEVE and OBEY … like Abraham!



Jesus taught us, “And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” [Matthew 21:22].

I would use prayer not only to talk to God and be in close companionship with Him, but also to make my requests known to Him. I would tell Him what I need and want, and ask for advice as to how to operate to achieve my goal.

James, the first bishop of the church at Jerusalem, and the Lord’s brother, taught us:

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all men liberally, and does not reprimand for asking; and it shall be given to you.” [James 1:5]

For an in-depth study of prayer, go to the Archives of The Apostles Group and select the newsletter “How To Talk To God” dated August 11, 2002.


Jesus said, “If you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.” [John 14:14]

When you as a believer use the name of Jesus you are identifying with the Master of the universe. It is that name at which demons and Satan tremble, and at which they must become subservient to you. Jesus said, “And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues …” [Mark 16:17]

The name of Jesus lets demons know the authority in and under which you are operating. It is not only your Power of Attorney, but it is also your POWER! It is the name which gives you life.

“But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through his name.” [John 20:31]

Use the name of Jesus to not only bring deliverance to others, but to maintain your own freedom, power, and blessing. And so it is with the name of YAHWEH, the Hebrew name of The LORD: the self existent One.

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe.”
[Proverb 18:10]


Tongues, the language of the Spirit, is the software that makes it possible for you to decree supernaturally. When you speak in faith, based upon God’s Word and will, you decree miraculously. However, there are times when you do NOT know what to decree … OR … how to speak the proper programming language. Tongues, the language of the Holy Spirit, enables the believer in Christ to accomplish this.

For an in-depth study of how to attain this power and blessing, go to the website at www.realmiracles.com and select Advanced Studies from the BLUE navigation bars at the left of any page. In the Advanced Studies section, select the five (5) volume series titled “How To Receive God’s Power” (DCC 9 through 13).



Yesterday, a person who is not a Christian asked me this question: “In what area of your life are you most often challenged to use your faith?” I didn’t have to think long. My answer was, “In the area of forgiveness.” This is an area in which we need to make sure we are “clear” at the start of every day. And, actually, at the end of every day!

I remember as a little boy, one night just after I had covered up in bed, my older sister said to me, “Daddy told us never to go to bed mad at each other.” And then we made up with each other. The Holy Bible tells us, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.” [Ephesians 4:26]

It may not be a wrathful or angry situation that is bothering you. It may be a strained relationship, bad thoughts towards someone, a word of gossip. Or, it may be nothing you’ve done wrong; it may be something someone has said or done to you … or said about you … and that is bothering you, especially if you are undeserving of the words or action.

Jesus taught us, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” [Matthew 6:14-15] Unforgiveness is something you can’t take to Heaven!

In Mark 11:22-26, Jesus told the disciples, “Have faith in God.” He taught them about speaking in faith, and about receiving in faith. However, he also taught them at the end of this contextual passage that there was something that could hinder them from receiving miracles and answered prayer: it was unforgiveness.

“And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone: so that your Father also which is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive your trespasses.” [Verses 25 and 26]

If God can forgive us of a whole lifetime of sin and disobedience – even sins about which no person on earth knows – can we not forgive someone else for the one, or a few, or even many sins they have committed towards us?! And … if our Heavenly Father had not made a WAY for us to be forgiven by sending His only Son to die in our place on the cross stake … we would be under the constant condemnation of death and Hell. How can we not forgive others?!

Every day I start my day with what is commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer (the disciples prayer He taught them). I clear out any unforgiveness or bitterness so that I can pray successfully and in power … AND … so I can experience success. My prayers for myself, friends, associates, and loved ones … and the prayers for others around the world … depend upon me forgiving others.

“And you be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” [Ephesians 4:32]


When was the last time you “dreamed” for God? IMAGINE! What would your life and ministry be like if your present hindrances were removed? And, what would your life be like if you could accomplish all the things you IMAGINE … or ASK for? C. S. Lewis, in his book The Weight of Glory, said, ” … our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak!”

David succeeded in killing the giant, Goliath, the same way the two men of faith, Caleb and Joshua, succeeded in entering the promise land: because he SAW, as they did, obstacles as opportunities for MIRACLES: avenues through which God could be glorified! The size of the person is more important than the size of the problem. Who are you on the inside and in Whom do you trust!

Don’t focus on the giants … focus on God. That’s why the enemy lies to you. The devil wants to get your attention away from your Heavenly Father: away from His love for you and His ability to provide for you.

Study the following newsletters from the Archives of The Apostles Group:

“Remove the Barriers” (May 04, 2003)

“The Vision and the Miraculous” (May 11, 2003)

“An Anointing for Success” (May 18, 2003)

Change your thinking. Think BIG.


Jeshua taught us, “But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.” [Luke 5:38] Think PAST the limits of your mind. Stretch out your horizon of ENDEAVORS and THOUGHTS. “These things began Jesus both to DO and to TEACH.” Base your thoughts, your goals, and your endeavors upon God’s Holy Word. Use your faith!

Think BIG!





To SEE with the mind’s eye … that is, to envision … can encompass the following: imagination, thinking, and decision making. To “cut out” with the mind’s eye is to SEE IT, or to THINK IT upon the tablet of your heart or human spirit.

In Job 22:28 we read, “You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you…” In the original Hebrew language the word “decree” is a primitive root form of the word “gazar“, which means “to cut out exclusively, or to decide“. In its primitive form it is used also as a “quarrying” term … as in cutting out stone from a rock quarry. It means more than to “say” or “speak.” It conveys the meaning of “cutting something out in your mind’s eye”; that is, “to envision [to make a vision], to decide upon it, and confess it” … and then it will be established unto you!

To decree is the progenitor (or, precursor) of heart belief and mouth confession. It is BOTH the nucleus and “all-encompassing” embryo of initiating great moves of the Holy Spirit on Planet Earth. This is why we need to SPEND TIME MEDITATING GOD’S WORD. We’re NOT talking about New Age type meditation, which can actually be used, and even energized, by demonic forces. We’re talking about MEDITATING God’s Word so we KNOW HOW to work in alignment with our Father in Heaven, Jehovah.

Increase your vision. What can you SEE? What can you IMAGINE? How greatly can you ASK or THINK?

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ASK or THINK, according to the power that works in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
[Ephesians 3:20, 21]

At the beginning of this podcast I shared with you two questions the Lord asked me:

“If you had nothing and had nobody to help you, how would you fulfill the Great Commission?”

“What would you tell the believers who are in prison, being persecuted for their faith, about how to reach the world for Messiah?”

I answered those two questions in this teaching. You might ask me: “How do you know what it’s like to be in jail for Yeshua?” I know because I HAVE BEEN in jail for Jesus … for preaching His Gospel. Never teach what you can’t do.

“The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began to DO and TEACH.”
[Acts 1:1]

Nine (9) people were saved as a result of the Holy Spirit using me to preach inside the jail cell, plus the Lord gave me victory in one of the largest court cases of this kind.

“Then said Yeshua unto him, ‘Go, and do thou likewise’.” [Luke 10:37]

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley


Podcast time: 18 minutes, 52 seconds (with music)

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2009/07/22 Posted by | BELIEVING AND SEEING, CREATING WITH THOUGHTS, GREAT COMMISSION, MINISTRY, SPIRITUAL POWER | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment