Apostle Talk: Future News Now!

Leadership, prophetic, & apostolic teaching. Written and podcast.


APOSTLE TALK  –  Future News Now
with Prince Handley


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The major tool for reaching the world for Messiah in these last days, the end times, is “two-pronged”: 1. Reaching the children; and, 2. Reaching Generation Y.

Reaching Generation Y is covered in The Apostles Newsletter titled “Trends, Times, and Tongues.”

In this teaching we will cover “Reaching the Children: The Josiah Model.”

Some time ago the Lord revealed to me that the major players in the end-time harvest will be BOTH the eight (8) year olds living today (this was the exact age of Josiah when he was anointed king over Judah) and the eight year olds living in the future.

“Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem.”
[2 Chronicles 34:1]

Many eight-year-old children today are saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and know more about their authority in Christ than many people who have been saved for years. The Holy Spirit is NOT a respecter of persons . . . He will invade the earth and shake kingdoms through the faith, the boldness, and the prayers of an eight-year-old as well as through any [older] saint of God.

In my research of militant church history, I discovered that through centuries of awakenings and Spirit invasions God has been pleased at times to use children. You have NOT seen anything yet. Believe me! The Spirit of God is going to CONFOUND the governments, the armies, the halls of justice, and the religious leaders through holy anointings upon holy children: vessels manifesting God’s power in these last days! God will use children to manifest MIRACLES … real miracles!

In a passage of scripture dealing with the last days [Revelation 9:21], we are informed that people will not repent of their:



Sexual immorality, and


These four activities will be not only common, but also rampant, in the last days. Look at much of the culture media today: movies, TV, video, gangsta rap, hip hop, and even comedy. The point I am trying to make is that young people are inundated with models of an egregious lifestyle. This is a major factor as to why these activities will be prevalent in the last days.

The word for “sorceries” in this passage is the Greek word “pharmakeia.” The words pharmacy and pharmacist derive from the same root as pharmakeia, which generally describes the use of medicine, drugs, or spells. The word was also used as sorcery accompanied by drugs, incantations, charms, and magic: basically witchcraft in association with drugs or narcotics.

The best defense is a good offense. Therefore, by taking the Good News of Messiah Yeshua into the culture(s) we can impact society, especially when we portray the END RESULTS of the activities described above WITH the hope and deliverance that are available in Jesus Christ. Do NOT discount the use of comics and cartoons for such an strategy. If you will research the demographics of comics, animation, and Japanese manga you will see a huge readership among many cultures that extends into the business and professional world. We as Christians should be impacting culture with the message of the purpose of the cross of Christ (WHY Yeshua came to earth to pay for our sins) and the Good News!

Many of you reading this newsletter are involved in communications, the media, print publishing, or the graphic arts. Open up your vision . . . and then focus on the opportunities. Go to conventions like Comic-Con International and establish your target goals. The world is waiting!

We need NEW “Josiahs” TODAY!

The “Greatest Outreach” is to young people, especially those 15 years and younger. If you reach the segment of society age 15 and under, you reach:

• The mass of the population (50% of the population in third-world countries is age 15 and younger).

• The next generation (and the future leaders).

• Those who have a whole lifetime of service for the Lord!

Pray and ask God to show you WHAT he wants you to do, and HOW to involve yourself in “The Greatest Outreach.”

In another passage of scripture dealing with the last days, we see that God wants to reach the people groups of the world, the tribes, the language cultures, and the different ethnic groups with the Good News. What better way to reach these groups with permanence than by reaching the children. Even those who aren’t saved now will still have the Word of God in them which the Holy Spirit can use in the future.

There are many ways to reach children, but one of the easiest, least expensive, and most portable ways is by means of the “Wordless Book.” No expensive manufacture is necessary: all you need is five sheets or pieces of different colored paper: red, black, white, gold (yellow), and green. It can be used with an individual . . . or to great crowds.

Everyone can learn how to know God, from children to adults, by using the wordless books. They are economical (costing almost nothing), as they can be reproduced from “makeshift” at-hand materials. They are extremely effective for people who are illiterate and/or those with limited reading skills.

The wordless books are also excellent for children whether they can read or not; they love the graphic colors and remember them. And, they are easy to teach those you’re teaching to use the “Wordless Books” to go teach others!

One pastor in Africa with whom we partnered for more than 20 years, and who started more than 100 churches, told us: “All our Sunday schools have doubled using the “Wordless Books.”

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How to Use the “Wordless Books.” (NOTE: The instructions below may be translated into any language to show people how to reach their own ethnic or people groups.)

There are NO written words to this presentation. It may be used in any language group of the world. It is effective in reaching adults, as well as children. All you need are five (5) different colors of paper; use whatever size you want depending upon the size of the crowd (so each person can see). You may use whatever colors you want; however, the following seem to work the best:

• Black

• Red

• White

• Gold (yellow)

• Green

Below are the instructions for using the colors. Print them out from your computer so you can teach others how to use them.

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• Black is for SIN

• Red is for the BLOOD of Christ

• White is for PURITY

• Gold (yellow) is for HEAVEN

• Green is for GROWTH

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BLACK – Describe how beautiful the garden of Eden was. Tell how wonderful creation was and how God blessed Adam and Eve with close fellowship with God. Tell how Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God. Explain that we are born in sin through the bloodline of Adam, the first man. Sin separates us from God and his power, love, and health.

RED – God had a plan. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to heal the separation between God and people. Just as one man (Adam) brought sin into the world, so one man (Jesus Christ) came into the world to put away sin. Jesus died on the cross to PAY for our sins. He took our punishment so we do not have to be separated from God. The RED blood of Christ washed our sins away.

WHITE – The blood of Christ, which was shed on the cross to pay for our sins … and the sins of the world … washes us clean: whiter than white! All we have to do is REPENT (turn away from our sins), BELIEVE (trust that Christ died in our place … for our sins), and RECEIVE (ask Jesus into our lives to be our leader and Lord).

GOLD (yellow) – The Holy Bible, which is God’s Word to man, tells us that in Heaven the streets are made of gold. Heaven is a wonderful place, full of love, beauty, and the glory of God. When we repent, believe, and receive Christ, God becomes our Father. When we die, we get to go to Heaven and live with Him and Jesus forever!

GREEN – We not only get to go to Heaven when we die, but we get to walk closely with our Father God every day here on earth while we live down here before we die. After Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins, God raised him from the dead. Jesus is alive and he will help you GROW up and be strong for God. Read the Holy Bible, pray, tell others about Jesus, and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit every day!

NOTE: One time while teaching a seminar, a co-worker was teaching others how to use the wordless book. A group of young children had received Christ while listening to the instructions, and when our instructor was sharing on the “GREEN” color (the Spirit-filled life) almost all the children started speaking in another language!

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Another way to reach children is through prayer. Have you ever heard someone say, “I wonder who was praying for me” . . . or, “Someone must have been praying for me!”?

Many people who are new Christians grew up in ungodly homes . . . some in witchcraft . . . and some in pagan religions. Yet they are now serving God. They don’t remember HOW, but at a certain point in their lives a Gospel witness came to them, and at a key time in their lives they developed a DESIRE to know the true and living God.

Someone was praying for them!

As the Lord leads you, select a child to PRAY for . . . one that you will commit before the Lord to pray for at least 10 years . . . and maybe for the rest of your life.

You do not have to tell them you are praying for them unless you want to. It may be a child you know or someone you don’t know! Maybe it’s a child you have heard about or read about in the newspaper . . . maybe a child or teenager in trouble.

Pray for them in addition to your prayers for your own family or children, and then ASK God for two (2) things:

To lay your children or family on someone else’s heart for prayer; and,

To give you a great harvest blessing in your children or family as a reward for your prayer-sowing in the life of the child(ren) you have adopted for prayer.


By reaching the children under age 15 you will be reaching:

• The mass of the populace;

• The next generation and future leaders; and,

• Those who have a lifetime of service for the Lord.

The major players in the end-time harvest will be BOTH the children living today and the children living in the future.

Through centuries of awakenings and Spirit invasions, God has been pleased at times to use children.

By taking the gospel into the culture(s) you can impact society, especially children.

Also, anyone . . . anywhere . . . can reach children, and at the same time invoke a holy awakening in their community . . . and among the ethnic, tribal, language, and cultural groups of the world . . . through: 1) the “Wordless Book”; and / or 2) prayer.

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2009/09/14 Posted by | CHILD EVANGELISM, GIANT WORLD HARVESTS, GREAT COMMISSION, MIRACLES | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


with Prince Handley


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Do NOT be afraid of economic conditions … NOW or FUTURE, nor of employment availabiity.

If you are an employer or business owner, do NOT be afraid of financial instability … even chaos.

Financial chaos may come, but God is bigger and will make a way for YOU.

If you have been faithful in tithes and offerings unto the LORD, He is going to take care of you.

God can open doors, God can make doors, God can knock down doors.

God created heaven and earth in six literal 24 hour days. He could have done it i six nano-seconds.

He can CREATE situations just for you.

Many of you reading this message are going to see “out-of-the-ordinary” situations occur to provide you with income, some with release of debt, some with UNexpected resources to put you over.

There will be MIRACLES … real miracles … of sustenance and provision for you and your family.

Some of you will SEE and KNOW that the  EXTRA resources and money are the DIRECT results of angelic intervention implemented from Heaven’s administration. Be careful to give EXTRA to the LORD by sharing with those people or groups to whom the Holy Spirit directs you.

Above all, draw close to the Master. Listen and OBEY.

You are living in exciting times. Give Messiah Jesus the OPEN praise for what He does for you! Let people know.

Your friend,
Apostle Prince Handley

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APOSTLE TALK  –  Future News Now!
with Prince Handley

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In previous teachings in this series we discussed the FIRST FIVE TWINS for success and continued vision:

  • Enthusiastic Desire PLUS Faith;

  • Decisive Nature PLUS Virtue;

  • Specialized Knowledge PLUS Spiritual Knowledge;

  • Quest for Excellence PLUS Temperance; and,

  • Organic Spiritual Endeavor PLUS Patience.

In this final teaching of the series we will cover the LAST THREE TWINS:

  • Principles of Value PLUS Godliness;

  • Like-minded Associates PLUS Brotherly Kindness; and

  • Vehicle for Attainment PLUS Love.

When you combine your good desires with faith . . . ENTHUSIASTIC DESIRE PLUS FAITH . . . you have an unbeatable combination. You can begin to PLAN your future prayerfully based upon the God given desires of your heart. That’s one reason it is important to read and meditate upon the Word of God daily so you will KNOW and develop the will of God for your life.

Remember . . . you can CREATE with your faith. Hebrews 11:1 tell us, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is the underpinning or support . . . a title deed (as in property) . . . that lets you KNOW you have the objects or affairs you do not yet see.

It is a wonderful thing to have FAITH, but if you have a PLAN incorporating your desires to go along with your faith, it is even better! Here’s a SECRET that will allow you to SEE many MIRACLES:

If your PLAN fits into God’s plan

. . . . . . . you will have God’s FAITH

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . and God’s faith ALWAYS WORKS!

You need to be able to make decisions based upon knowledge and quality input. Once again, this is where it is important to read and meditate upon the Word of God daily. You need DIRECTION in the many matters of life that face you now . . . and also about future planning. God has given you everything you need for LIFE and GODLINESS through His PROMISES and the KNOWLEDGE of Christ.

In ministry and in business you need to draw upon quality research, marketing, and experience (sometimes the input of others)
. And you need to KNOW when to act. Timing is KEY to success in many courses of action. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, says that when he knows that something is right, and that the timing is right, he goes into it with MASSIVE ACTION. However, without VIRTUE a decision can have disastrous effects eternally and with no substance temporally here on earth.

The Greek word for VIRTUE in the New testament is arete: it means excellence and valor. We need to be people of EXCELLENCE. Our nature should be to make excellent DECISIONS based upon VIRTUE. If we are following Jesus and listening to the Holy Spirit, we will be able to accomplish this continuously.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”
[Colossians 3:23-24]

Make your decisions based upon the fact that God is watching you!

We are living in a day like the prophet Daniel described where “knowledge shall be increased” and we should take advantage of that knowledge to advance the kingdom of God. Daniel, in a passage of scripture dealing with the end times, tells us ” . . . but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” [Daniel 11:32] Exploit, in the sense used here, means literally “to do successively unfolding bold, courageous works!”

There are many ways to influence society and to reach the world for Messiah. And there are many NEW ways to help yourself gain SUCCESS! Pray and ask God to reveal these to you. Then, obey Him and be diligent to study in order to prepare yourself to be used by the Master: to be a good steward.

No amount of SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE, however, will be of significant time value without SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. No matter how successful we become in life, it will not be of any time value unless we know God personally. If we know God through His Son, Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, then we have eternal life. [Brit Chadashah: John 3:16]

When you study the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you, and to teach you so you can teach others. The scripture instructs us, “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” [2 Timothy 2:15]

Combining SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE with SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE will provide you a powerful impetus for ongoing success and continued vision. To be really successful we need to share our success with others: our family, our brothers and sisters in Messiah, our community, and the world.

THE MORE YOU KNOW . . . THE MORE THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN USE! This applies not only to mental knowledge but also to knowledge gained through the acquisition of physical skills or craftsmanship.

Practice excellence in your CHARACTER. Be transparent and keep your word. Psalm 15 is a good start for practical living and developing excellence in character. Also, loving our neighbor as we do our self, and doing unto our neighbor as we would have him do to us, is the guideline our Gadol Cohen (Great Rabbi) set before us.

Practice excellence in your WORK
. Be a good steward for your earthly employer and your Heavenly employer. Colossians 3:22 instructs us NOT to do sight-labor: that is, work that needs watching.

In your quest for excellence, develop your skills to the BEST of your ability. Be a good manager of what God has given you and over which God has placed you. Keep improving and growing in your knowledge base, your acumen, and your skills. Study Part ‘A’ of this teaching to help develop excellence in acumen; particularly study the section on “Decisive Nature and Virtue.”

Along with the quest for excellence you need to partner with temperance, or self control. Many people, on their quest for excellence, do NOT allow for rest or leisure. This is vital to SUCCESS and CONTINUED VISION.

Rest, and also quietness, is necessary for wholeness. A key scripture and principle that I have tried to practice in my life for many years is found in Isaiah 30:15:

“For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest shall you be saved; and in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.”

Leisure is more than just non-work. It is when we PERMIT ourselves time for rest, growth, and development. Leisure is BOTH the embryo and the catalyst for creativity, and for NEW experiences, people, play, and places.

We have to permit ourselves the time to rest . . . to re-create . . . and to create!
Isaiah 58:13-14 tells us about an ADDED BONUS when we honor the Sabbath of the Lord.

“If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honorable; and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words:

Then shall you delight yourself in the LORD; and I will cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken it.”

We need to have TOTAL success in life: in this life on earth and in the eternal beyond; and God has provided just such means to attain that goal. God has given us EVERYTHING WE NEED for: LIFE, and GODLINESS.

“According as His divine power has given unto us ALL THINGS that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory and virtue.”
[2 Peter 1:3]

He has given us PROMISES so that we can share or partner with Him in His divine expansion – or growth of descendants – after we have escaped, by His saving grace, the ruin that is in the world through lust. In other words, after we are born again and start serving Messiah, we can partner and be a companion with God in successfully bearing fruit: that is, growing other seed-descendants. These include our own children who are born again while also reaching out to the rest of the world.

“Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” [2 Peter 1:4]

How can we involve ourselves in powerful, prolonged, and productive effort that will be self multiplying and profitable, not only temporally here on Planet Earth but also eternally in Heaven?

The answer: be actively engaged in organic ministry growth! Be involved in a work that is propagating living, continuous development of the Kingdom of God.

The definition of the word propagate is “to breed by natural (or supernatural) processes from a parent origin; to promote an idea or knowledge widely; to transmit in a particular direction.”

There are around 60,000 people groups on Planet Earth, with Messianic believers and Christians in most regions of the earth. With the expansion of global trade, internet access, social networking, and communications, many – if not most – of these groups understand and view themselves as one worldwide synagogue or church in an interconnected world. To be involved in Kingdom Work is to be involved with the heart and purpose of God. It is to be involved LOCALLY and GLOBALLY . . . and both TEMPORALLY and ETERNALLY.

The earth is getting smaller with regard to travel, communications, and interfacing of cultures. At the same time the Body of Messiah’s people is becoming more inter-tribal. We see the horizon of the fulfillment of Yeshua’s prophecy that the Good News will be preached, proclaimed, or published before the time of His return to Planet Earth.

“And the gospel must first be published [preached] among all nations.”
[Mark 13:10]

The word for nations here used is “ethnos” – as in ethnic group – meaning “a race of the same habit, or culture, or tribe.”

Read and study the Biblical pattern of synagogue and church growth in the Book of Acts. Certain things are evidentiary and these same patterns are manifest in any POWER GROWTH synagogue or church today.

1. When people believed in Yeshua (Jesus), and after they took part in mikvah (were baptized in water), a group was formed for: worship; teaching; prayer; helps; and, evangelism.

2. Prophets and teachers were raised up by the Holy Spirit.

3. The Christians prayed and fasted.

4. The Holy Spirit called out apostles.

5. These apostles were sent out (NOT “released”) by the believers after hands were laid on them.

6. As the apostles went to different areas they preached the Good News.

7. Other churches were raised up as a result of the preaching and the work of the apostles.

8. The churches grew and ministered to the believers, the community, and the world.

Notice, in Acts 13:1-4, it was the Holy Spirit who CALLED the apostles (verse 2) and it was the Holy Spirit who SENT them (verse 4). In between the calling and the sending was the ratification by the elders with the laying on of hands (verse 3). The apostles were NOT “released by men” . . . it was the Holy Spirit who called and sent them.

Notice, this is the NORMAL PATTERN of church growth. This is to be expected today! It should be a regular practice of a local church to SEND OUT workers: both for long term commitment and for short term service.

We should always be willing to make changes for the Lord; that is part of discipleship. However; there are times we have to wait . . . because God is developing things or situations where we are going to be sent . . . or because He is developing things in our lives . . . or both!

But if you wait for an EXTENDED period of time, then examine yourself to make sure you are willing to leave your comfort zone. God may be speaking to you and redirecting you, but you may not be listening because it is NOT what you want to hear.

Patience is really cheerful, or hopeful, endurance. True biblical patience, as expressed by the Greek word “hupomone” is constancy. It is the kind of enduring patience, or patient continuance in well doing. It is knowing the will of God for this season of your life, and looking forward to being used by God in SPECIAL SERVICE in the future, also! Be involved in ministry that is sending out the workers, birthing or planting new synagogues and churches, preaching and teaching to facilitate the MIRACLE working power of God. Yeshua (Jesus) sent out his followers . . . and He is sending YOU out to:

Preach and teach;

Heal the sick;

Cast out demons.

This threefold ministry, or triangulation of mission, will empower you and your ministry; it will keep you FRESH under the anointing of the Spirit. You will be continuously creative, causing you to be more successful and to have continued vision!

Now, if you add to your patience PRINCIPLES OF VALUE and GODLINESS, you will have the spiritual and physical mechanics to add other people, like-minded associates, to your asset bank for success and continued vision.


One of the great aspects of reading and studying – as well as meditating upon – the Holy Bible daily is so we can learn precepts and principles. We can learn HOW God thinks about certain things and WHY He wants us to behave in a particular manner. Situations vary in life; we may not always come up against situations that have been codified. However, if we know HOW God thinks about certain things and WHY God expects certain responses from us, then we can transfer those principles into every arena of life.

We need to know both the Jewish Old Testament (Tanakh) and the Jewish New Testament (Brit Chadashah) so we can navigate successfully through the issues of life and have continued vision. There is an association between the Law of God and vision from the Lord.

“The law is no more; her prophets also find no vision from the Lord.”
[Lamentations 2:9]

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.” [Proverbs 29:18]

It is the same way in our personal lives and ministries. If we adhere to the teachings of God; that is, live by the principles we learn about HOW God thinks and WHY He expects certain behavior, then we will not only have SUCCESS but also continued VISION.

Actually the combined traits of PRINCIPLES OF VALUE and GODLINESS will be concomitant factors. Here again is the key: knowing and obeying the Word of God, which is His Will!


You need to have strong relationships with God and with those people to whom God will lead you to work. Appreciate the people with which God has chosen you to work. However, don’t try to “force” relationships: don’t make commitments to every person you meet. God will show you those people to whom you should be committed when you are FIRST committed to Him!

Give positive support, or “reinforcement” to those people you’re committed to …

Whether they are OVER YOU in a position of authority;

You are OVER THEM; or,

You are on the same level (working or ministry associates).

Remind each other that “God will fight for us!”.

Give your associates REWARDS from time-to-time for:

The good work they do;

Their consistency and faithfulness; or,

Their availability.

These rewards do not (always) have to be monetary. Sometimes a “pat on the back”, or a “word of encouragement”, is really meaningful: letting them know the good they are doing is not going unnoticed. Let people KNOW you are THANKFUL and APPRECIATIVE of their association with you.

Maybe an invitation to dinner, or just spending time alone with them or their family, whether it’s a few minutes or a day or two. It is also important for a man to give positive support to his wife. There are so many ways a wife serves a husband in his ministry that may go unnoticed by him.

Simple brotherly kindness to and among your group will go a long way to impacting the world with Messiah’s love and power! This is the reason I started The Apostles Group seven years ago, and the reason I write this newsletter and provide our world services free.

We need to appreciate those nearest to us, and never to take them for granted. This is where “family altar” is so important: don’t neglect ministering to your own family! They may be your GREATEST DISCIPLES!! Read and discuss the Holy Bible together, and then pray together.

It is good to spend time refreshing your mind thinking about all the successes God has given you in the past. God has NOT brought you this far to make you fail. God is FOR you! One time the disciples of Jesus were in a ship in the middle of the sea where the waves were rough and the wind was strong. They became fearful until Jesus came to them on the water and told them not to be afraid. They FORGOT that the Lord had commanded them to GO to the other side.

He did NOT intend them to sink or to fail. Jesus intends for you to SUCCEED! He wants you to make it to the “other side.” Take time to study in the Holy Bible how others have succeeded: Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Esther, Mordecai … and the Apostles.

Associate with like-minded people who SHARE YOUR VISION (or who know what you’re about) . . . people who are POSITIVE. You want to be able to brainstorm with these people, and not to have ideas – no matter how ridiculous – be shot down as soon as they are verbalized.

IMPORTANT: This group of like-minded people with whom you will share your vision, goals, and new ideas, is NOT an accountability group. This is NOT a group of people to whom you decide to be accountable for your personal life, your ministry, or your finances. This is a group of people with whom you need to have OPENNESS for CREATIVITY:

To dream;

To plan;

To get feedback; and,

To implement.

We have seen that when we add to our patience the twin gifts of GODLINESS and PRINCIPLES OF VALUE, we will have the spiritual and physical mechanics to add other people, LIKE-MINDED ASSOCIATES, to our asset bank for success and continued vision. Next . . . you can select your VEHICLE FOR ATTAINMENT.


What is the means by which you will arrive at your goal? What is the vehicle which will transport you to the attainment of your dream?

When an athlete in a championship game scores the winning goal, he is merely manifesting a composite of the years of training, wins and losses, experience, exercise, and mental conditioning that have preceded this moment. Likewise, the composite of major decisions in our lives are usually the summation of the smaller minor decisions and habit-patterns we have formed along the way.

To some people, the vehicle for attainment of their goals is a multilevel marketing plan. To others, it is a business and investment plan. To many, it is a retirement plan. To the ULTIMATE WINNER, it is the vision and the miraculous arrived at through seeking God in prayer and fasting: combining ENTHUSIASTIC DESIRE and FAITH with DIRECTION from God.

God will reveal YOUR vehicle for attainment as you spend time alone with Him. Shut off your television and your video / DVD player . . . spend time with the Creator of the Universe. Talk to Him . . . listen to Him. God is NOT stupid. The Heavenly Father knows the person who wants to be used by Him . . . the person who wants to spend time with Him. And, He doesn’t need anyone: no matter how great our talents, skills, and possessions!

The Creator will reveal by His Spirit the vehicle for you to use in the attainment of your goal(s) . . . and when to CHANGE that vehicle. God, the creator of the goal-desires in your heart, knows the methodology by which to bring them to pass. He knows the vehicle by which, when coupled with FAITH, will bring the goal-desires into fruition.

There is an amazing spiritual truth we find in Genesis 11:1-9. Before the nations of the earth were scattered on the face of the earth, the earth was of one language and one speech. The people had decided to make a city and a tower, whose top would reach unto heaven; they wanted to make a name for themselves so they would not be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth.

“And the Lord said, ‘Behold, the people is one, and they all have one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” [verse 6] “Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” [verse 7]

Archaeological records show us that these were wicked and idolatrous people. Yet we see in verse 6 that God said, “nothing will be restrained from them”. Notice they had ONE goal and ONE speech. They were unified in purpose and language.

If this principle of “oneness” works in unbelievers … for ungodly, wicked people … how much more will it work for believers … for God’s people … who have ONE goal and ONE speech: a common vision and a common language! Especially spirit-filled Christians who have a common objective and who can pray and decree a thing (or a set of objectives) in not only their common earthly language(s), but also their heavenly language: tongues!

In Job 22:28 we read, “You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you …” In the original Hebrew language the word “decree” is a primitive root form of the word “gazar“, which means “to cut out exclusively, or to decide“. In its primitive form it is used also as a “quarrying” term … as in cutting out stone from a rock quarry.

It means more than to “say” or “speak”. It conveys the meaning of “cutting something out in your mind’s eye”; that is, “to envision [to make a vision], to decide upon it, and confess it” … and then it will be established unto you! If you and your Christian brothers and sisters have a common vision or goal, and decide upon it, confessing it in a common language, speaking it … “nothing will be restrained from you which you have imagined (or, envisioned) to do!! [Read again Genesis 11:1-6.]

The SECRET . . . the capstone to the whole process . . . without which you will not be the ULTIMATE WINNER . . . is LOVE.

The vehicle for attainment of your goals, no matter how intense your desire, your faith and the other twins we have studied, cannot bring you into success and continued vision without LOVE. Love is the channel through which the gifts of the Holy Spirit work. “Faith works by love.” [Galatians 5:6]

Remember … if you have LOVE, then FAITH can work.

I trust this series on The Eight Twins for Success and Continued Vision has been a blessing to you, and that it will help you accomplish your God-given desires!
To resource other parts of this series (this is Part D – Final), go to: Part A, Part B, Part C.

Prince Handley

P.S. – Write and let me know how God has spoken to you through these messages. You may email me personally at:

2009/08/13 Posted by | Creating with faith, CREATING WITH THOUGHTS, GREAT COMMISSION, LOVE, MINISTRY, MIRACLES, NEW TERRITORIES, STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS, SUCCESS & VISION | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment


with Prince Handley


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King Hezekiah was a man who did what was good, right, and truthful. Everything he was involved in was carried out with all his heart; and he prospered.

“This Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered.”
[2 Chronicles 31:20-21]

All people should live a life that is right before God, but leaders especially have a greater responsibility to do so. With that responsibility comes an attendant blessing. When you are in the arena, you will be shot at. If you want to be used greatly by God, then make your mind up ahead of time that you are NOT going to quit, and you are NOT going to run away!

If you quit, you can’t win. But if you don’t quit, you’ll win!

This doesn’t mean that you will have the strength or wisdom in your self; but you are determined to stand in faith, believing and drawing upon the resources of God.

The Assyrians were a cruel and treacherous military force. They resorted to terrible means of torture and were also a formidable foe. After Hezekiah’s deeds of faithfulness, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and entered Judah. He encamped against the fortified cities, thinking to win them over to himself.

When Hezekiah saw this, and realized that Sennacherib’s purpose was to make war against Jerusalem, he gathered his leaders and commanders together and encouraged them.

“Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid nor dismayed before the king of Assyria, nor before all the multitude that is before him: for there are more with us than with him. With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.”
And the people were strengthened by the words of Hezekiah king of Judah. [2 Chronicles 32:7-8]

Because of the impending danger, King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah prayed and cried out to heaven. Then the Lord sent an angel who cut down every mighty man of valor, every leader, and every captain in the army of Assyria. So the King of Assyria returned shamefaced to his own land, and was killed by his own family.

“And it came to pass on a certain night that the angel of the Lord went out, and killed in the camp of the Assyrians 185,000 men; and when people arose early in the morning, there were the corpses – all dead.” [2 Kings 19:35; 2 Chronicles 32:9-23]

God still uses angels today. Psalm 34:7 tells us “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” Surely there are many times the angels deliver and protect us and we don’t even know about it. But, in addition – like many of the promises of God – we need to KNOW God’s Word so we can ACCESS God’s resources. We need to appropriate them by faith. We need to BELIEVE and PRAY as Hezekiah did. Vision begins with a purpose … and that purpose is to SEE the dream become a reality! There are five (5) basic steps in this process:

1. Dream;

2. Plan;

3. Preparation;

4. Logistics; and,

5. Action.

In action – and sometimes in the first four steps above – we engage the adversary as Hezekiah did. We implement our plans and put in place those things and people we have prepared, and that the Lord has assigned to us. Then we utilize the resources within our command to take action. Gideon had some clay vessels and candles. Moses had a rod. What is it that God has placed in your hand? What are those things you will BELIEVE God to bring into your access? It is your duty to use your faith. Faith is your servant. Read Luke 17:5-10.

Many times it is the thing that is in our hand or our heart that is our greatest resource. Are we turning the gifts of God away through unbelief? Are we afraid to leave our comfort zone? Use your faith – it is your DUTY to use it! I am reminded of a man and his wife who won $1,000,000 USD. When the authorized bearers of the prize tried to contact the couple, they were repeatedly turned away. The man and his wife would not answer their phone calls, or respond to their letters. They thought it was a joke. Finally, the man and his wife decided that they would at least see what the communication was about. The bearers of the prize were authorized one more time to attempt delivery to the man and his wife. They responded at the last minute.

How many times do we NOT receive God’s MIRACLES because of unbelief, or because of taking things for granted? We have the ability to DREAM and IMAGINE. We can establish a VISION and believe God for its fulfillment. When was the last time you dreamed for God? Imagine what your life and ministry would be like if the present hindrances were removed. One of the great promises in the Holy Bible is found in Jeremiah 33:3. “Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.”

In his book The Weight of Glory, C. S. Lewis said “Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.” What can you IMAGINE or THINK? For what can you ASK God? “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” [Ephesians 3:20]

Once your dream is starting to take form – that is, when it becomes a reality – your VALOR will be tested: by God … and by the enemy of your soul: the devil. You will have to make up your mind ahead of time to be a champion, to be valiant. God is looking for champions like the people of faith who went before us, who “Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” [Hebrews 11:34]

As you move out with the VISION, know that God has designed your VICTORY, but you have to have VALOR and stand in faith, calling upon Him for strength, wisdom, and MIRACLES. One thing that will help you is when you realize that God will use your enemy to help promote you: just like He did Pharaoh. God hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that the Lord would be SET APART in the eyes of the Egyptians. And so God will use the reality of your vision so that He might be set apart in the eyes of people in every nation, tribe, family, and language of the earth. [Exodus 9:13-16; Romans 9:17] Just as God used angelic ministry to help King Hezekiah and his people, so God will use the angels to help you, if you will PRAY and CRY OUT to Heaven like Hezekiah and Isaiah.

The magicians could not stand before Moses [Exodus 9:11], and neither will the enemy’s people stand before you. There will be a severance – a setting apart – for God’s servants. There is a difference for those anointed for ministry: not “haphazard” ministry, but ministry anointed through prayer, fasting, listening, and obedience! The Lord makes a difference between His people and the people of the enemy. Read prayerfully the following verses; they are God’s Word for you at this time:

Exodus 8:23;

Exodus 9:26;

Exodus 11:7

The two most important things you can do to enlarge your VISION and engage the enemy with VALOR are:

1. Sit at the feet of Jesus; and,

2. Live holy.

Then your VICTORY will be assured!

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APOSTLE TALK  –  Future News Now!
with Prince Handley

Prince Handley_DUP_300x300_jpeg

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previously in the Archives (with Show Notes).

There are several music beds in this podcast.
The podcast is NOT over just because you here music.


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The real life story of Prince Handley when he was stabbed with a knife by two men who tried to rob him. How God spoke to a person in a laundromat to go pray for Prince Handley (the person did not know him) and the miraculous healing that resulted. Plus, eleven people gave their lives to the Lord in the hospital.



In 1969 I dedicated six weeks from before Thanksgiving through the end of the year to do open air evangelism in Los Angeles. The Lord blessed me greatly during that time with many opportunities to fast, and the power of God was manifested wonderfully with thousands of people being reached daily.

At the end of this period I was very weary and decided to visit some friends in a city about two hours away. I was there two days, rested, and returned to Los Angeles at night. As I was walking in the center of the city, I was faced with a decision. I knew if I walked in the same direction I was going that in about two blocks I would find Christian friends holding an open air meeting and I could preach with them.

But I made a BAD decision. I decided to turn left and go down a dark street … away from the Christians. I not only turned away from PHYSICAL light, but I turned away from SPIRITUAL light. There is nothing wrong with resting, but that night I turned away from a great opportunity to reach many more people for Christ, and also to be an encouragement to brothers and sisters on the front lines for Messiah.

As I was walking down the dark street two men began to follow me and then one stepped beside me. I knew they were up to mischief so I started praising God. Then one of the men stabbed me with a knife. He stabbed me hard in the abdomen near my navel and drove the knife in deeply. They tried to get my billfold (wallet) but couldn’t. It only had $12 in it anyway! I was still standing, and I began to pray for them.

I reached into my suit pocket, grabbed two little red Bibles and placed them into their hands. They threw them into the street and the man who stabbed me held the knife up to my face so I could see the blood on it (as though I didn’t know what happened). I bent over and picked up the little red Bibles from the street and tried to put them into their hands again. The man who had stabbed me tried to stab me again but couldn’t … God’s angels wouldn’t let him.

Then I turned and walked away from them across the street. Up to this time I had experienced no pain, probably because my adrenaline was pumping and my body was about to go into shock. I remembered thinking as I crossed the street, “Is this it? Am I about to die and go to Heaven?”


I made my way into a Mexican restaurant and tried to tell people what had happened; however, nobody spoke English. Finally, I lifted up my sweater that I was wearing under the suit coat, and showed them the blood.

Then I started experiencing the most horrible pain I could ever imagine. I never knew there was pain like that! I lay down on a booth seat in the restaurant and couldn’t get the pain to stop even by pulling my legs up tight. It felt like sand was tearing through my body. It seemed like nobody was doing anything … it seemed like eternity … but finally an emergency ambulance arrived. When they put me in the ambulance I just wanted to hold someone’s hand and I tried to hold the hand of the person in uniform – I don’t know if it was a policeman or EMT paramedic – but that person wouldn’t hold my hand.

I remember coming to consciousness a few times on a gurney in the hallway of the hospital... still in pain. Later I was told that there were so many stabbings, shootings, assaults, and accidents that Sunday night that they couldn’t get to me for six (6) hours. I didn’t know there was such pain as that.

When I finally woke up after surgery I started praising God. I was so glad not to feel the terrible pain I had experienced. I was under heavy medication and was in a room with about 10 to 15 other men. One man had been stabbed in the head several times with sharp sticks by a street gang. Others had been shot and stabbed. One man had been shot four times with a 38-caliber revolver pistol – three times in the chest and the fourth just missed his jugular vein.

I was the worst case there, however, and I had a nurse stationed permanently by my bedside. There were four tubes running in and out of my body: providing blood, nourishment, and drainage. When I became conscious, I started praising God, and the nurse said to me, “Sir, do you know where you’re at?” I said, “Yes, I’m in the hospital! Praise God!” Then she said, “Do you know what happened to you?” And I said, “Yes, I just had surgery. I was stabbed! Praise God!” It felt so good to have that pain relieved!

Nobody knew I was in the hospital. I don’t remember if it was a few minutes or a few hours after becoming conscious, but I began to experience a very serious spiritual battle at that time. It was like Satan and demons were on my left side … and God and the Holy Angels on my right side. It was as though Satan was trying to take my soul out of my body. I was tempted to just relax and go ahead and die … or to relax and just let the drugs that were going through my body take over.

Then God spoke to me strongly
. He said, “Get command of this situation!” By that I knew that He meant to take mental command of the situation … to not let my mind go … but to keep control of my thoughts! I said to God, “I know you can heal long distance by people praying, but if You will just send someone to lay their hands on me and pray for me, I KNOW I will be healed!”


Even though nobody knew I was there, somehow a man in a laundromat heard about me being stabbed. He didn’t know me from “Adam;” however, he was a vessel of the Holy Spirit and had a healing ministry. At the time I was in the hospital – Los Angeles General Hospital – it had 2,500 rooms. (A few years later, it was remodeled and had then about 2,000 rooms.)

The man in the laundry came to the hospital, went up the elevator to the ninth floor, walked into the 9300 ward, came straight to my bed, and said, “Brother, the Lord Jesus Christ raised me from death one time, and He has sent me to pray for you that you might be healed.” He then laid his hands upon me and prayed for me, “Lord Jesus, heal my brother!” … turned around and walked away.

A group of six to eight young interns were with other doctors who were examining me and the other patients on the ward the next day. I told the doctor I had been healed and wanted something to eat … like a steak! He didn’t take me seriously and told me that if I could pass a bowel movement that he would order me something to eat. He told me that because I had several holes in my intestines as a result of the knife stab. Later, I think the next day, I went to the restroom successfully.

I also snuck out of the ward and took IV’s and fluids that were being pumped into my body — they were mounted on stands with rollers – with me. I went into another area of the hospital and started exercising. But then, a doctor recognized me and yelled at me, “What are you doing?” I said, “I’m exercising.” He said, “Don’t you know that you can rip all that silk we put in you?” (Meaning, I guess, the sutures with which they had stitched me.) Then, I told him, “I just did 21 deep knee bends!” After that, I think I was ordered to return to the (trauma) ward.

In a couple of days friends found that I was in the hospital. Reverend Al Hovey, from the Church of the Open Door, who was on staff with Dr. J. Vernon McGee, and other Christians from the Los Angeles Full Gospel Tabernacle, came to visit. Eleven people on the ward (seven patients and four nurses) received Messiah Jesus.


While I was in the hospital I received two (2) scriptures from two different people.

One was from a man 1500 miles away, whom I had never met, but who was a friend of my brother. That scripture was Psalm 91 … which I have claimed almost every day of my life since!

The other scripture was from a classmate with whom I had attended graduate school in theological seminary. It was Philippians 3:10.

“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death.”

The word “power” here used, from the Greek “dunamis” means “force (literally or figuratively); and specifically MIRACULOUS POWER, usually by implication a miracle itself.

The word “sufferings” here used, from the Greek “pathema” means “something undergone, that is, HARDSHIP or PAIN, subjectively an emotion or influence.

I had read that verse many times, and always focused on the “power of His resurrection” but never on the “fellowship of His sufferings.” Then I thought back about the six hours I was in such horrible pain waiting in the hallway of the hospital for surgery. And I thought about my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ – God’s only Son – who hung on a wooden cross stake SIX HOURS for me.

He went through horrible pain to take my sins upon Him … that I might be FREE! However … He did it WILLINGLY … for me, for you, and for everyone in the world: to pay for our sins … a GIFT of forgiveness … a NEW START for all who will receive Him by faith!

I walked out of the hospital by myself in six days, got on a bus, and went immediately to go preach at Broadway and 6th Avenue proclaiming the Good News of Messiah Jesus who SAVES and HEALS!

I still look at my scar at times … it’s at least nine inches long … and then I think of how some day I will SEE the scars in a Jewish rabbi who loved me enough to die for me: so that I can LIVE FOREVER in Heaven with Him and His Father!

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley


Podcast time: 14 minutes, 35 seconds (with music)

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University of Excellence information, email to: universityofexcellence@gmail.com

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2009/07/16 Posted by | HEALING (PODCAST + TEXT), HOW GOD SPARED MY LIFE, MIRACLES | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


APOSTLE TALK – Future News Now!

with Prince Handley

Prince Handley

(You can listen to this podcast NOW by clicking here: www.apostle.libsyn.com)


Most Christians miss their miracles right before they will happen! Reasons why people do NOT receive their MIRACLES … real miracles. How to know the tricks of the devil to hinder your prayers being answered and what to do to make sure you receive from God.



Most Christians miss their miracle(s) by one hour or one day, or by one meter or one kilometer!

There are at least two reasons why Satan does not want you to receive your miracle.

First, your miracle will glorify God and be a testimony. The devil does not want anyone testifying for Christ; nor does he want anything glorifying God. The enemy hates it when you receive a miracle.

Second, your miracle will bring you JOY. The devil, Lucifer, has never had joy since he was cast out of heaven, nor will he ever have joy again. He was once very handsome; God created him that way. Now he is very ugly and has to transform himself as an angel of light. [2 Corinthians 11:14]

Jesus said, “I beheld Satan fall as lightning.” [Luke 10:18] Satan does not want you to have joy because you will be strong! “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” [Nehemiah 8:10]

The devil is a “spirit-being”; therefore he can recognize anointing and spiritual “breakthru” when it’s building up and about to happen. If you listen to God and are led by the Holy Spirit you will be successful in obtaining your miracle(s) … if you persevere and don’t give up! If you quit, you won’t win. If you don’t quit, you’ll win!

Lots of Christians have committed suicide right before their miracle would have happened! This is why Satan puts mental pressure on you as you approach and get nearer to your miracle. He wants to confuse your mind so you will quit, or “pull out”.

The devil wants you to give-up, to stop believing God in faith, so that you will ultimately give-up – not receive your miracle – and then lose hope altogether. He may use people (Christians or non-Christians), he may use demons, or he may use circumstances to do this job.

Don’t miss your miracle(s). The miracles of God are aimed at you from every direction! If you don’t quit, you’ll WIN!


If you have been helped or received a miracle as a result of this study, email us and let us know what God has done for you. You may contact us by email at: PrinceHandley@gmail.com

Remember to tell your friends about the Apostle Talk podcast.

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COMMENTS TO: princehandley@gmail.com
Skype: princehandley

Time: 6 Minutes, 5 seconds

Size: 5.57 MB

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2006/12/02 Posted by | MIRACLES | Leave a comment