Apostle Talk: Future News Now!

Leadership, prophetic, & apostolic teaching. Written and podcast.


APOSTLE TALK – Future News Now


 Prince Handley
President / Regent



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The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the PRIMARY CORE SECRET OF POWER. However, there have beenand still aremany servants of God who have honored and been blessed with The Anointing, but who have failedthat is, broken downby NOT developing and being strong in the secondary core secrets of power.

The SECONDARY CORE SECRETS OF POWER are time, health and money. The purpose of this podcast-teaching is to help you “glide into” and develop these areas of your life. The more we progress through the entrance of the End Timeswhich “entrance” we are in nowthe more we will need to be strong in these areas. And … it is very simplevery easyto operate in these areas: it just takes a little adjustment and refining of our life styles.



Let me share with you briefly about the secondary core secrets of power … and then we’ll move on to WHY you need to be shored up in them soon.

TIME: If I steal YOUR time, I steal your life. I taught this to my children when they were young.“When you’re out of time … you’re out of life: your body dies!” Check it out here > Focus and Time.

Do not forget the importance of Sabbath … or YOUR “Day of Rest” because it will give you more time to be productive. That’s right … if you honor the LORD by keeping one day out of seven as your Day of Rest, you will find that you get more done the other six days. (It’s just like tithing; when you pay God his 10%, you will always get more back from your 90%.) Don’t get me wrong though―the Day of Rest is NOT something you pay to God―it is a provision FROM God for your rest, relaxation and remembrance of His blessings. Also, check this out > Slow Down – Your Prophetic Miracle is on the Way.

Often, the elements of opposition and resistance that come against you from other people―or from demonic spirit forces―will drain your time as well as your energy.

Do NOT let frustration rob you out of your time―and out of God’s blessings. Study the following: Frustration and Your Future

Stop letting little things―especially “toys”―invade your time and steal your peace and productivity. Have much time do you waste on social media or smart phones that you could use effectively in REST and PRESERVATION OF CAPITAL (money). I’m NOT talking about using socal media for the LORD―I’m talking about wasting time with frivolous interaction on social media, games and conversation.

Take time to rest, read and reflect. Above all, take time to LISTEN to God.


You can NOT serve God effectively if you do not feel well.

Eat right … exercise right … think right. Listen, see and speak right. Remember the three monkeys you learned about in grade school: hear no evil; see no evil; and speak no evil? In clandestine op situations―like Special Forces and US Navy Seal operations―you must learn to observe the environment: to size it up. It is the same with YOUR every day life. Stop, look and listen. What’s going on? Is something “out of place” … stealing your peace? Get back on track. The faster you get back on track, the LESS STRESS you will have in life … and you will be more effective in serving God productively.

Study my teaching on: Dealing with Stress in the End Times.

Scriptural fasting and honoring the LORD’s day, or Sabbath, contribute to a proper mental attitude, and are laws of God with built-in bonuses of health and blessing. Read Isaiah Chapter 58.


You will access―or already have access to―purchasing power through the agency of MIRACLES or cash or hard asset accumulation.

The anointing is THE PRIMARY CORE SECRET OF POWER. You must have the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Do NOT put education, wealth, social standing or social “clout” above The Anointing. After you have The Anointing, you must MAINTAIN it.

The presence of God is to be treasured above all else. Spend time alone―listening―to the voice of the LORD. Honor the Holy Spirit. Daniel honored God and God honored Daniel. (Read the Book of Daniel.)

There are HARD TIMES coming:

In the economy. Study Roots of Economic Collapse.

In persecution of believers. Study An End Time Key – Persecution is Coming.

In natural calamities. Study Final Days of Planet Earth.

In terrorism. Study Protection from Terrorism and Pandemics.

I want to cover just one of these areas―the economy―briefly. God has assigned me to help you prepare for the coming economic collapse. Purchasing power comes through MIRACLES, cash … or hard asset accumulation.


Remember that I have told you that both inflation and deflation may happen: at different times, of course. It would seem that from all the money (currency) printing by the FED in recent years that high or hyper Inflation is inevitable. However, inflation requires both money supply and velocity. Velocity is basically the “churning cycle” of money from spender to receiver … and then that receiver spending money to another receiver … and, so on.

The gross value of all the goods and services in the US economy is money supply times velocity. It is what is called the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. When money supply times velocity is greater than the normal GDP then the excess manifests as inflation. While money supply has been greatly increased in recent years by the FED (via printing) the velocity, or spending by consumers has NOT increased substantially to produce inflation.

The danger lies in what is referred to as “psychological” or “expected” inflation, caused by changes in spending habits by the public. It can very quickly spiral. I, personally, believe that we are in danger in the future of hyper-inflation. The purchasing power of your dollar would be greatly decreased in such a situation

WARNING: We have actually been in a deflationary period for several years. And, with an election year approaching in the USA, we know that politicians love to cut taxes. Therefore, more spending should be available to the big spenders. So, what’s a girl to do? Prepare for BOTH inflation and deflation. I will tell you HOW to do this in the next podcast.

Remember what I taught you last time in the podcast teaching, Imitational Faith. Do NOT get yourself―or your service for God―into a position where you are on a “gristmill” working to maintain and NOT to be creative. Georges St-Pierre, Mixed Martial Arts champion says it well: “You can tell when your enemy is defeated mentally because he is fighting not to lose instead of fighting to win.”Are YOU fighting to maintain … or are you fighting to WIN?!

Listen to your “peace monitor” and make any necessary changes. Schedule time to rest and listen to God, to create, to help others … and to have fun. God has called you to the most important task; and that task is: WHAT He has called YOU to do. My earhtly father always told me, “Go BIG or stay at home!”

I have listed three books below to help you with time, health and money through faith:








Purchasing power comes through MIRACLES, cash or hard asset accumulation.
One way is to work with God by helping reach people with the Good News!
Your donations to Handley World Services help do unique projects.
Our projects of outreach are FREE due to donors like you.
Use SECURE DONATE to help do God’s work.


My friend, let me ask you the most important question of your life: If you were to die right now, do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? If not, pray this prayer:

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, if Jesus is really my Messiah, please reveal Him to me and I will serve You the rest of my life. Please forgive my sins. Help me to live for you the rest of my time on earth, and take me to Heaven when I die. Amen.”

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

Podcast time: 15 minutes, 48 seconds

Copyright © Prince Handley 2015
All rights reserved


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Direct download: PRINCE-2015-07-30-097.mp3

2015/07/30 Posted by | SPIRITUAL COMMON SENSE | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


with Prince Handley

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If you’re going to be used GREATLY by God, there are eight (8) things you will need.

Three (3) of the eight you MUST HAVE.

One (1) of the eight will help you IMMENSELY.

Four (4) of the eight you USUALLY NEED but probably won’t have UNLESS you pray and fast.

These four can make the difference between being successful or NOT accomplishing GREAT achievements for God!

The three (3) things you MUST have:

[] Anointing

[] Wisdom

[] Knowledge

The one thing which will help you IMMENSELY:

[] Network

The four things you USUALLY NEED are as follows:

[] Time

[] Money

[] Strength

[] Plan

It is the purpose of this teaching to instruct you as to HOW to obtain all eight of the above, and thereby be in a position to be GREATLY USED BY GOD.

If you are serious, God will meet you … and equip you. Let me first recommend that you review or study the following writings, which may be found and printed out, from the “Archives” of The Apostles Newsletter:

• Remove the Barriers

• The Vision and the Miraculous

• An Anointing for Success

• The Secret

• The Move

• The Idea

• The Covering

• The Blessing

• Trends, Times, and Tongues

• Signs and Wonders

• Multiply Your Ministry

• Turning Attacks Into Victory


The Holy Spirit is your best friend. Spend much time with Him. Yes, I know He lives inside you if your human spirit has had a definite spiritual “jump start”: born again. But just because someone is a guest in your house … or even lives there … doesn’t mean you spend time with them. It’s the same way with the Holy Spirit.

Before I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues (received my heavenly language) I had sense enough to ask the Holy Spirit to “breathe on me” (to anoint me) before I would preach, and even before I would witness. I saw people come to Christ in great numbers in and outside of the USA.

Now I ask the Holy Spirit to anoint my writing and the various projects the Lord would have me undertake. When we produce social media releases, send out videos, cassettes, CD’s, literature, and workers (ministers) we lay hands on them and speak the BLOOD of Christ over them. We ask the Holy Spirit to anoint them: to save, heal, deliver, empower, and prosper the people receiving the ministry of the items or workers being sent out.

When I was a new Christian, I attended a Sword of the Lord Conference (one of the many I was privileged to attend) with great soul-winning ministers like Dr. John R. Rice. One evening Dr. Rice laid hands on me and prayed this prayer: “Father, breathe the breath of God on this young man for soul-winning power.” Within 15 minutes I led a person to Christ while I stopped to buy gasoline (petrol) for my automobile. That was the start of years of wonderful soul-winning adventures.

Since that time the Lord has taught me to ask for an anointing by the Spirit for multiplication upon my labors so that the results of the ministry will be multiplied: new churches and Messianic synagogues being raised up in every neighborhood, village, and community of the earth.

Ask the Holy Spirit to breathe on you
. Talk to Him. Walk closely with Him. Ask for the anointing when you minister. Tell the Holy Spirit you need Him. Then, after the MIRACLES take place, give the Holy Spirit all the credit. Acknowledge to the crowds you’re ministering to that it was the Holy Spirit who did the work. It is the Holy Spirit who supplies the resurrection power of Christ on earth! Get alone immediately after you minister and tell your best friend – the Holy Spirit – that you know it was Him who did it!


Wisdom is the body of knowledge and experience gained – or developed – within a specified period or society. Practically speaking, wisdom is knowledge in action. The Holy Bible tells us how to initiate this process of development:

“The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.”
[Proverbs 1:7 and 9:10]

I was thinking the other day of a prominent minister who fell into sin, was sentenced to prison, and later repented. He said that in all the time he was sinning that he never forgot that God loved him. But he said that his problem was that he forgot the FEAR of God!

We are so blessed to be the recipients of God’s love, mercy, and grace that we often forget His greatness and authority. We need to practice DAILY repentance and humility before the one “who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell.” [Matthew 10:28]

On the other end of the spectrum, God’s wisdom will cause us to be slow to judge.

There are certain conditions of immorality laid down in the Bible which require us to impose church discipline. [1 Corinthians Chapters 5 and 6]. In this life we are to make certain judgments in relation to fellow believers as required by Scripture. In the next life, however, we will judge the world, and even angels. [1 Corinthians 5:12 and 6:2-3]

The FEAR of the LORD should cause us to be very slow to judge, and only then with NO acrimonious intent. There should be NO exhibition of strong animosity or resentment. But the FEAR of the LORD should cause us to judge in love, seeking the good of the person being disciplined. Why? Because this is the nature of our Father and we are to manifest His nature.

We, of all people on the earth, should consider where we came from … none of us were perfect. None of us were clean before God. If God were to mark offenses, who would stand? If it weren’t for Jesus, we would all be in a pit like Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. [Numbers 16:33]

“Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? To his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” [Romans 14:4]

We have enough “beams” and “timber” in our own eyes to be removed before we attempt to remove the straw from our brother’s eye.

“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
[ Matthew 7:3]

The FEAR of the LORD is the BEGINNING of WISDOM. It will cause us to act with controlled moderation in our own lives, as well as cause us to be SLOW to judge others, and then only out of LOVE for the one(s) being disciplined – true love, not a false love that only appears loving outwardly – seeking the benefit of the one(s) being disciplined.

“The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility.”
[Proverbs 15:33]

This kind of wisdom will cause us to be humble and will ultimately bring us into honor where we can be USED GREATLY by God.


Wisdom is knowledge in action. By reading God’s Word, we know about God and what He wants … we learn His principles, also. When we have great reverence for our Heavenly Father, we desire to do what pleases Him, and begin to apply the knowledge we have from and about Him.

For decades I have conducted A.C.T.I.O.N. Seminars in different countries. A.C.T.I.O.N. is a mnemonic for Advanced Christian Training Inside Our Nation. We do our best to bring knowledge to pastors and Christian workers; knowledge which will help plant, nourish, and grow churches around the world. The Christian worker who is responsible for the work has to grow before a church can grow. No matter what your ministry office – apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, Christian worker – you must be a good steward of the intellectual faculties God has given you.

It amazes me how many people, even Christians, have the idea that they don’t need any more education after the age of 25 … and many, for sure, don’t think they do after the age of 50. I still engage myself in formal study every few years. Even at the time of this writing I go to a secular school and attend three classes of four (4) hours each (sometimes attending other classes). The reason I do this is twofold: 1. To be a good steward of what God has given me; and, 2. To sharpen my skills to enable me to reach more people for Christ.

I have been able, by God’s grace, to reach multitudes of people in many countries because of study that I did in formal educational institutions as well as independent study and research on my own. And this was all in addition to graduate theological seminaries I attended after earning a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (and in eleven other colleges and universities).

Don’t be afraid to augment your knowledge base. But remember this warning:

“Knowledge inflates our egos and makes proud, but love builds up.” [1 Corinthians 8:1 – my translation]

God may be dealing with you about going back to school. I have a friend who started a church in a ghetto area. He is one of the most spiritual and practical men I know, yet he has two (2) earned Ph.D. degrees. Sure, it takes time, effort, money, and sometimes sacrifice … but what doesn’t that’s worthwhile.

God may be dealing with you about quitting school. I have a friend – a man I ordained into the ministry over 20 years ago – who is also one of the most spiritual and practical men I know. He obeyed the Holy Spirit and dropped out of university to go to the nations of the world. The Spirit honored his obedience and uses him greatly in many countries.

Just make sure you obey what the Holy Spirit wants YOU to do, that He is leading you, and that you give Him the credit for any success!
And … always be willing to study to obtain KNOWLEDGE, whether on your own or formally.

The more you KNOW … the more the Holy Spirit can use!


By working with other people and organizations you can greatly multiply and intensify your efforts in the Lord’s work. For clarity of definition, I am NOT talking about trying to meet people to receive contributions for your ministry. If the Lord is leading you to do that, that’s another matter; however, I purposely do not do that. I feel that the Lord can lead me to the people who would like to share in reaching the world for Christ, and that he can and will lead me to the people and organizations with whom He wants me to work.

Christians need to “brainstorm” more.
Just because we know that God can give us ideas directly, doesn’t mean He might not want to use other people to “sharpen” the creative and thought processes with which He has endowed us.

Also, different people have different skills … and different skill levels! By working with and communicating with other people and organizations, you enhance the opportunities to refine and empower the ideas He has given you. One time I met with a group of engineers from Hughes Aircraft Corporation. In one of the Hughes divisions I had been invited to minister different times in both the engineering section and also the factory.

I had an idea that I knew was from God. I had been told – from one of the wildest and most creative people I knew – that the idea was too far out for them. That was my “sign” that the idea was from God. I met with the people from Hughes and we brainstormed about different aspects of getting the project off the ground. It definitely was something that could reach millions of people for Christ … and something (at least to my knowledge) that had never been done before.

As I became cognizant of the skills that each person in that group possessed, I assigned them different sectors of the project. Within days these men had each perfected and finished their respective assignments. That project reached some of the wealthiest Jews in the world – as well as multitudes of other people – in the center of the marketplace. I could probably never have done the project without the help and expertise of these men … and even if I could have … it would have taken much more time and money, and would not have been of the quality that our Lord deserves.

To help you in networking, working with other people and organizations, go to The Archives of The Apostles Group and study the following newsletters:

Unity – Part A (June 16, 2002); and,

Unity – Part B (June 18, 2002)

Or, you may logon to www.realmiracles.com and select “Advanced Studies” from the BLUE navigation bars on the left of any page. In the Advanced Studies you will be able to select “Unity – Part A” and “Unity – Part B” [DCC 19 and DCC 20].

Ask God to lead you, or cross your path with, those people and organizations with whom He would like you to work
. And don’t be concerned if the Lord does NOT lead you to others with whom to work. Many times, the Lord wants only YOU working on a particular project or ministry endeavor. The scriptures give us numerous examples of people who did great feats for God by themselves, with the anointing and leading of the Holy Spirit.

If you are going to network with other people, then choose your associates wisely. There is an old saying, “You are who you run with.” My mother many times told me, “Birds of a feather flock together.” After hearing that so many times in my life, I developed a simple axiom: “Don’t flock with stupid, unproductive, and lazy people.” And later in life, I honed that expression, “Don’t flock with people who don’t have a vision for reaching the world for Christ.” And even later: “Don’t flock with people who don’t honor the anointing.”

There’s another old saying, “If you lay down with dogs, you’re going to get fleas!” Associate with WINNERS … SOUL WINNERS! And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” [Daniel 12:3]

Networking is simply working with people to reach and help other people for Christ, and can take on a variety of creative expressions. It doesn’t just mean a Bible or evangelistic conference, although those are key things. Remember, God is “The Starter” … so ask Him to help you develop your creativity. If you’ve never been creative, then ask Him to START the creative process in your life and ministry to magnify His Son. Then pray, plan, and implement!

And most importantly, don’t disregard … or discard … IDEAS which God gives you
. An idea may not be for you; it may be for someone else. As a good steward you should share ideas with appropriate people, unless God has told you to keep them confidential. An idea can be multiplied to reach millions for Christ and to build the kingdom of God; also, to help people in need. Many times, you may find that after sharing an idea, nobody picks up on it. That is, nobody acts on the idea; people may even think it’s a foolish idea (usually because it’s never been done). In those situations, God will probably show YOU how to do it … and bless you exceedingly!


You need anointed time to be GREATLY used by God. You need wisdom in the planning and use of your time. It is true that you’re living part of your eternal life now; however, life on this earth … and in this present body … is limited. If someone steals your time, they are, in effect, killing you. Why? Because they’re taking part of your life here on earth.

The Holy Bible tells us, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” [Ephesians 5:16]

The word for “redeem” here used is the Greek “exagorazo,” which means “ransom“. This scripture is literally telling us to “buy up the time“. We are to “ransom” the time; “rescue” the time from loss. We are to seize our opportunities eagerly and decisively!

There are several words for “time” in the Bible. There is “chronos” time, a segment of time … there is also a “season” of time … and there is “kairos” time, which is the word used in this passage. “Kairos” time is a set or proper time. It is an opportune season of time. A time that can pass you by if you do NOT seize the opportunity!


You will find through the years that TIME, which we discussed above, and MONEY are inter-related. When you work for wages, you are selling your time, even if it is via your services. What is your time worth – to God, to your family, to the ones to whom you minister, and to yourself.

You will also find that TIME and STRENGTH, which we will discuss next, are inter-related. If you over extend your time to make money, then you are robbing God, your family, the ones to whom you minister, and yourself. When you steal time from yourself, you lose strength.

The Apostle Paul made tents as a source of income. He worked willingly with his hands so that he could give the gospel freely (with no charge). [Acts 20:33-35, 1 Corinthians 4:12]

You need to establish a consistent pattern of paying tithes and giving offerings to God and stay with it. The scripture teaches us that this is one way you can PROVE God. [Malachi 3:10-11]

If you are in a ministry position where your sole source of income is from contributions, love-offerings, or salary … or a combination of them … you still have to be watchful not to over extend your time in one area to the neglect of another area. You are still “selling” your time. For example, you have to prayerfully balance your time between the following:

Personal time with God;

Your family;

Those to whom you minister; and,


It is NOT the money which is the most important issue in your life. When you run out of time (when you die), money will do you no good. So when it comes to selling your time you must have a PLAN, both short-term and long-term:

A plan for maintaining your strength; and,

A plan for maintaining your ministry.


To be used GREATLY by God, you need to maintain your health so yo will have strength and energy. One of the best things I can do for you in this line is to recommend that you go to “The Archives” of The Apostles Group and study the five (5) volume series “Health and Healing” (from September 15th through September 29th, 2002). Or you may go to www.realmiracles.com and select “Health” from the BLUE navigation bars on the left of any page. There you may study or print out the 32 page booklet.

If you’re walking closely with God, He will many times tell you things to change: in your life, or in your eating habits. God wants you healthy MORE than YOU want to be healthy! I remember one time six months before I was to go on an extended ministry trip overseas that God told me to get in shape. By His grace I lost 43 pounds in seven (7) weeks.

It was easy. I fasted, prayed, changed my eating habits, and exercised. If I hadn’t obeyed the voice of the Spirit, there were three times during that trip I could have over exerted my body. Even the natives told me they had said to one another, “How does he do it?” I even carried my bags and a native’s bags up a mountain!

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Treat it as such! Be a good steward of your body: for the sake of God, your family, others, and yourself! If you’re a young person, start practicing good nutritional habits now, as an investment for the future.


If your plan fits into God’s plan

……. you will have God’s faith

………….. and God’s faith always works!

If I asked you to tell me specifically what it is that you want Christ to do through you in the next six months, five years, and 25 years, could you tell me? If not, you need to spend some time alone with God praying and fasting and receive some instructions: formulate your plan. One time while I was alone praying and fasting the Lord had $100,000 USD shoved under the door to me. There was a postage stamp on an envelope (from another country) showing a large wheat combine threshing the harvest!

If you don’t have a PLAN, how will you implement?

During this time alone, as you are receiving the instructions for your PLAN, be praying and receiving from the Holy Spirit the following:




And … ask for an anointing from the Holy Spirit upon each of the above. The devil shudders – he is terribly afraid – of anointed time, anointed money, anointed strength … and anointed people.

Now … you know HOW to be used by God in a POWERFUL way!

Your friend,
Prince Handley
Twitter: princehandley

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2009/06/29 Posted by | GIANT WORLD HARVESTS, IDEAS FROM GOD, SUCCESS & VISION | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


PODCAST SATELLITE  /  The Voice of Israel
with Prince Handley


You can listen to this podcast NOW at:  LISTEN HERE

For INSTANT REPLAY, go to: www.blubrry.com/prophecy/


Notice: There are several music beds in this podcast.
The podcast is NOT over just because you hear music.
It is not over until Mrs. bin Laden sings!


Ideas develop an explosion of knowledge. In the last days, knowledge attained by God’s people will be used to flood the earth with prophetical insight in relation to current news by both legal and illegal methods to help deliver people from governmental and geopolitical bondage (including political correctness) so that they can find the TRUTH.



In the area of quantum physics, time and relationship is of primal importance. Many theories relating to time have been developed over the years. Probably the most famous is that developed by Albert Einstein: the theory of relativity. I read his work as a young boy. The derived formula “E = mc2,” or “energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared,” was praised for decades as the frontier of thought in this area; however, recent scientific postulation and research has leaned toward discrediting part, if not all, of this theory.

At The University of Excellence, we study how new frontiers in time and space, along with new postulations in string theory by cosmologists-physicists such as Brian Greene, push even unbelieving scientists to wonder what was before the “Big Bang.”

Jules Verne was the co-founder of science fiction along with H.G. Wells. He wrote about airplanes, submarines, and spacecraft. Verne’s most popular stories include From the Earth to the Moon (1865), A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Robur the Conqueror.

H.G. Wells was an English novelist who wrote more than 50 novels. Some of his writings were The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man (1897), and The War of the Worlds (1898). He wrote about videocassette players, computers, overcrowded cities, superhighways, television, military airplanes, tanks, and about cities being bombed. He also wrote about space flight.

The basic principles of the time machine which Wells wrote about contained materials regarding time as the fourth dimension. Later, in the 20th Century, Albert Einstein published his theory of the four-dimensional continuum of space time. Embodied in Einstein’s theory was the premise that if you could travel at the velocity of light (186,000 miles per second) you could attain “timelessness.”

It’s interesting to reflect upon the fact that Messiah Yeshua is THE LIGHT … and He is timeless. He is the Alpha and the Omega: the Beginning and the End. He can travel at the VELOCITY OF LIGHT or faster. When He returns to redeem Israel and establish His kingdom,
He will appear as the “lightning from the east to the west.”

“For as the lightning comes out of the east and shines even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Brit Chadashah: Matthew 24:27)

Yeshua told the Pharisees, “Before Abraham was, I am.” (Brit Chadashah: John 8:58)


Scientific ideas and exploration, such as Einstein’s theory of relativity, have developed since science fiction writing appeared. Many scientists have probably gleaned IDEAS from these writings. Arthur C. Clarke was the inventor of communication satellites. He first explored this idea in a 1945 technical paper titled “Extraterrestrial Relays.” Clarke also wrote the three Odyssey sequels.

Many times Clarke has guessed well ahead of time new scientific advances and sociological change. It is interesting to note that he said the following: “I am sure we would not have had men on the moon if it had not been for Wells and Verne and the people who write about this and made people think about it. I am rather proud of the fact that I know several astronauts who became astronauts through reading my books.”

We are living in a world of accelerating change, and of an explosion of knowledge: knowledge and change so advanced and different than that of even recent decades.

In Daniel Chapters 10, 11, and 12, the Bible tells us of a vision encounter that the prophet Daniel had with a holy angel, a “watcher messenger” from God. In that vision was revealed to Daniel actual events that were to happen historically in Persia (Iran) and Greece and later in the end times and the great tribulation period soon to come.


The angel told Daniel, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” (Daniel 12:4)

We are living in a day like the prophet Daniel described where “knowledge shall be increased” and we should take advantage of it to advance the kingdom of God. Daniel, in a passage of scripture dealing with the end times, tells us “… but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” (Daniel 11:32) Exploit, in the sense used here, means literally “to do successively unfolding bold, courageous works.”

There are many ways to influence society, to build your relationships, to reach the world for Christ, and to help yourself. Pray and ask God to reveal these to you. Then obey Him and be diligent to study in order to prepare yourself to be better used by the Master: to be a good steward!

To make MAXIMUM usage of our TIME, and thereby take advantage of the INCREASE of KNOWLEDGE, we need to exercise:


Planning, and

Good decision making.

You are the master of your time. You are NOT a slave to a schedule. There is ENOUGH time to do what God wants you to do! The One Who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, has given you ENOUGH TIME to do what He wants you to do. Your job is to find out – to determine – WHAT He wants you to do. This is arrived at by spending daily time in Bible reading, prayer, meditation, and from time-to-time fasting.

Know WHAT you want to do (that is, what God wants you to do); and,

Plan HOW to do it.

You also need to determine how to profit from your leisure, or non-work, time. Is watching TV a profitable experience for you? Sometime it is: if you are relaxing, or learning, or being inspired. But the next day ask yourself, “In what way did I profit from watching TV yesterday?” If you determine that you did not profit from that experience, then change your life style. Spend your non-work time creating, praying, building your mind, body, and spirit; also, listening and playing.

Also, do NOT put off plans or experiences because of TIME. Jump in! If God wants you to do it, then take the TIME. God will make a way for you to do what He wants you to do, but YOU have to INITIATE the action with FAITH.


If your plans fit into God’s plans,

you will have God’s faith,

and God’s faith always works!


Time and relationships are interrelated. You only have so much time QUANTITY in this life; but you can determine the relationship QUALITY!

Your life, your marriage, your ministry, your business, and your relationships are either:


Dying, or


Learn to OPEN UP, GIVE UP, and LOOK UP.

OPEN UP “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)

GIVE UP“… let us lay aside every weight (hindrance), and the sin which does so easily beset us (or slow is down in the race), and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

There are five big hindrances to relationships that we need to give up:

Silent treatment (not talking or communicating);

Threatening to walk out;


Blaming the other person or people;

Unhealthy (other) relationships.

LOOK UP“If you are risen with Messiah, seek those things which are above, where Messiah sits on the right hand of God. Set your affection (interests) on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Psalm 110:1 & Colossians 3:1-2)

Larry Crabb, in his book Men and Women, says, “The greatest obstacle to building truly good relationships is justified self-centeredness.” (With the emphasis being on the word “justified.”)

Paul Harvey, the well known news commentator, tells in one of his programs (“The Rest of the Story“) about a man who had just purchased a new car: a brand he had always wanted. His wife borrowed the car one day soon after he had purchased it. She was involved in an accident with another vehicle that day. She was so discouraged, anxious and scared, knowing that her husband really liked the car. When she opened the insurance papers to trade information with the other driver, she read a note her husband had placed in them before-time which said: “Honey, in case of an accident, it’s you I love, not the car!”

As in making maximum use of our time, so building relationships takes:


Planning, and

Good decision making.

Just as Yeshua is the LIGHT in time and travel, so He is the LIGHT in relationships.

Let His light shine through you in these last days before He returns. Take advantage of the knowledge explosion in these last days to magnify and reflect HIS LIGHT to every people, tribe, language and ethnic group of the world!

P.S. – If you want to prepare for EXCELLENCE in world changing service – in leadership, synagogue or church growth, and outreach – register for The University of Excellence (next class starting Fall, 2009). Email for information: universityofexcellence@gmail.com.


Podcast time: 14 minutes, 20 seconds (with music)

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2009/05/18 Posted by | PROPHECY, TIME & RELATIONSHIPS | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment